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How to set up a class of rewards to be in compliance

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 4:39 pm
by armourereric
OK, So I am getting ready to launch a Kickstarter Campaign to relocate and expand my duck farm that I have slowly been developing over the last 2 years. I am also the owner of a medieval armour making shop for 31 years as well. I have 1000's of contacts via the armour clientele and they have given me feedback that they would like a "armour" based reward for contributing. Now all these armour items will be made by me and since it is material cheap, but labor intensive, I can swing eating 25-30% of the items cost in exchange for pledges. When I was setting up my rewards, I was alerted, then I verified with support that my plan, 25% of your pledge goes towards a future armour purchase was a no-no. Do you have any suggestions on how I can set this up to satisfy Kickstarter requirements? Essentailly is there any way to give a discount on a future armour purchase, an item made by mede custom to fit you that will satisfy the parameters of Kickstarter rules?


Re: How to set up a class of rewards to be in compliance

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 6:48 pm
by armourereric
I have had some advise that if I offer a $60 armour item for a $60 pledge I am in compliance. Does that sound OK?


Re: How to set up a class of rewards to be in compliance

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:02 pm
by Dave's Meat & Nuts
yes a down-payment doesn't work. they can back/buy it outright or not at all will be your best bet.

Make sure to do higher levels with extra detail work or customized engraving.

good luck