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Post a Kickstarter project dunring Chrismas holiday?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 2:58 am
by sunsj
We are working on a project, not sure if the Chrismas holiday would effect our funding. To avoide Chrismas, we need to post before Nov. 15th ( 40 days project), that would be to rush, we are not well prepared. But if later than Nov. 15th, we will go though the holiday, it may effect funding as people take rest on holiday, little people would pay attention to Kickstarter and internet news. Does anyone have good suggestion, how should we do?

Re: Post a Kickstarter project dunring Chrismas holiday?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 3:45 pm
by nixiart
I think that you should make sure that you are ready before posting. It's not worth it to rush and not achieve your goals you might regret doing that. After reading about these campaigns there is not question that you need to plan your campaign properly and ensure that you have the people on your side before you can consider launching.

Re: Post a Kickstarter project dunring Chrismas holiday?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 4:21 pm
by armourereric
Kinda wondering the same thing. I need my funds by 1 March.

Re: Post a Kickstarter project dunring Chrismas holiday?

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 8:37 pm
by coolinvent
We specifically started our current Kickstarter in order to ship for Christmas and avoid have a campaign during the holidays. Your right, people are shopping for Christmas and want to have an actual gift to give people. If you're not ready, then don't launch. Do you have a preview of your project your working on now?

Re: Post a Kickstarter project dunring Chrismas holiday?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 2:25 am
by sunsj
Thanks for your reply. No preview yet, we are working on the documents works now, that's why I said it's would be rush to post before Nov. 20th.

Re: Post a Kickstarter project dunring Chrismas holiday?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:17 pm
by Inventalator
Good points made about shipping before Christmas, but if you're not ready you might not make the deadline anyway.

Re: Post a Kickstarter project dunring Chrismas holiday?

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:56 pm
by Dave's Meat & Nuts
dont rush. I cant stress this enough. Building your network, plan, project, shipments all takes a lot of time and research.
Good luck.

Re: Post a Kickstarter project dunring Chrismas holiday?

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 1:35 pm
by prismland1
I agree with all of the above. Additionally, you might find that you're being affected by Christmas anyways. I would imagine people are already thinking about gifts and spending in November.

Re: Post a Kickstarter project dunring Chrismas holiday?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:31 pm
by aknicholas
I've thought about this as well. I plan to run serial campaigns as I can produce new book title every month. I am going to try the Christmas season as well. Perhaps some people will be distracted shopping for others, but some could be buying gifts for themselves, and Kickstarter makes it Christmas all over again at project end. Take a look at past projects in your category.

For example, I did a quick search for photobooks, sorted by newness and loaded them all. I then searched for "Jan" on the page to find ones that likely included Christmas. I only found one, 161% funded Jan 12.

Check with me in 2015. If I go through with a Dec. campaign I may not have much competition on KS.

Re: Post a Kickstarter project dunring Chrismas holiday?

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 3:17 pm
by hogeandco
Definitely dont rush. If you arent 110% ready, hold off until you are.

Another thing to consider is taxes. If you receive the fund in 2014, they will be taxed on your 2014 taxes, but you will not have the deductions of your costs (production, expenses, etc.) until 2015. So come tax time you may be in a little bit of a cash crunch. please consult a tax pro before doing anything like this.

My suggestion time your campaign(when you are ready to go) so that it ends in the new year. Less head aches to worry about.