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Placement on KS

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 7:46 pm
by jonfontane
Question for veteran Kickstarters....when sorting by magic I have to click the more button at least 6 to 8 times before I find my project. We are new (5 days old) but we are funded with over 115 backers. I see projects that started the same day way above us with little to no backing at all. I thought it had something to do with backer #'s. Any advice/thoughts/reasons?


Re: Placement on KS

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 6:08 pm
by Inventalator
Not sure if you've seen this but it is from the Kickstarter FAQ:

"The default sort of our Advanced Discover tool, “magic,” displays a rotating cross section of compelling projects on Kickstarter by surfacing a mixture of Staff Picked and Popular projects from each of our 15 categories. In order to exhibit the creative spectrum of our community, we’ve designed the magic sort to be dynamic — this means that it refreshes often. If you see your project pop in and out of this magical sort, don’t worry, it will still be searchable using the other finite sorts and filters."

Re: Placement on KS

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:11 pm
by jonfontane
Thanks....I guess my timing is bad :) I've probably searched a few dozen times since launch and never saw the project even remotely towards the top. I'll keep looking. Appreciate the response.