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Does Timing of Launch Matter?

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:01 am
by diynf
Hi all, its Sally.
I had a question regarding the timing of launching a campaign. We thought we were going to be launching our campaign sooner rather than later however due to unforeseen circumstances, we have pushed back our launch date. We now have no problem with this as many articles and tips have said that having more time is never a setback. We have therefore been given more time to network.

My question however is this: Is there a particular time period, during the year that is, where it is more popular to launch a Kickstarter project? For example launching in Summer time versus launching in Winter? I can think of minor reasons such as maybe people are on more vacations during the summer and not as active online but the same can be said with winter and holidays so I´m not sure if there really is any huge difference. In any event, I´m curious to know what other people think about this. Thanks for reading!

Re: Does Timing of Launch Matter?

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:14 pm
by Andy_Sinclair
Hi Sally,

I bet Sal has some stats on this, but initial thoughts are - not really!

2 Reasons
In the Summer more people are away, so less people to see your Kickstarter - but then everyone thinks like that and waits....... so more projects and 'competition' when you do launch! Same goes for Press & PR - that's why there are so many silly stories in the summer months.

And secondly, success in a campaign (usually) depends more on your own contact list than on Kickstarter - so launch when you know they are around! And they can still pledge if they are on holiday!


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Re: Does Timing of Launch Matter?

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 2:59 pm
by Charles
I read an article a number of weeks back (I don't recall what the URL address of the article was - sorry), but while it talked about certain days of the week being better to launch a project on than others, it didn't deal with which season was best - i.e.: summer, winter, etc..

I recall that the author of the article felt that it was best to NOT launch a Kickstarter project on the weekend. I think that he launched on either a Tuesday or a Wednesday. The weekends tend to be dead, relative to the weekdays, if I remember correctly, although that's my choice of words, not the author's. It was what I took away from the article.

Re: Does Timing of Launch Matter?

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:36 am
by BenEnke
I'd always go for a Tuesday or Wednesday.

Mostly for social media/media reasons. If you're sending press kits or releases, Tuesday mornings are always a good bet to send those because Monday's are overflows from the weekend, making Tuesday a little easier to get noticed.

Wednesday's are good for social media for reasons I guess I could only speculate at. People finishing up their pile of work on Monday/Tuesday and having nothing to do Wednesday? Regardless, very well known about the popularity of social media on Wednesday. Hence, I tend to post Tuesday nights and aim to have it appear in the tops of newsfeeds on Wednesday mornings/afternoons.

This of course depends on the demographics of your target audience. Track statistics on FB pages if you have a page.

Everything, as is the case with all marketing, always come down to understanding your audience.

Re: Does Timing of Launch Matter?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:56 pm
by sbriggman
@andy - haha you're right. I put together a few stats in this article: ... r-project/

Let me know if that answers your question(s).

Re: Does Timing of Launch Matter?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:54 pm
by DowneyBrewingCo
I've heard launching at the beginning of the week is best for videos, that's when many people are checking their various social media sites.

- Dan
Downey Brewing Company ... ng-company

Re: Does Timing of Launch Matter?

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:48 pm
by AleishaGore
This was perfect. Thanks S! ... r-project/

Well worth the read any time of day. ;) Also has info graphics and more. Very informative.

I will definitely be using that for Chocolate is Not Better than Sex.
Aleisha Gore

Re: Does Timing of Launch Matter?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 6:56 am
by diynf
Andy_Sinclair wrote:Hi Sally,

I bet Sal has some stats on this, but initial thoughts are - not really!

2 Reasons
In the Summer more people are away, so less people to see your Kickstarter - but then everyone thinks like that and waits....... so more projects and 'competition' when you do launch! Same goes for Press & PR - that's why there are so many silly stories in the summer months.

And secondly, success in a campaign (usually) depends more on your own contact list than on Kickstarter - so launch when you know they are around! And they can still pledge if they are on holiday!



Hi Andy,
Thanks for that information. That helps. I figured that it didn´t really make a difference but depended on your networking and marketing etc. Contact list is very important. Thanks again for the tip! =]

Re: Does Timing of Launch Matter?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 6:59 am
by diynf
Wow, thanks for all the information everyone. It seems from what I´m reading that people find it best to launch in the beginning of the week (Tuesday ish). Thanks for going into more detail on that @Ben.
And thank you for the link Sal, that was extremely helpful. Thanks everyone. Any other suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated!
-Sally =]

Re: Does Timing of Launch Matter?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 7:17 am
by Andy_Sinclair
diynf wrote:Wow, thanks for all the information everyone. It seems from what I´m reading that people find it best to launch in the beginning of the week (Tuesday ish).

I guess I must had figured that out too, as we launch in just under 5 hours......


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