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Ads for Crowdfunding!

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:58 am
by AsaArt
Has anyone used any such ads as FB, Google, Bing for their campaign?

If yes, what have the results been?

Re: Ads for Crowdfunding!

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 5:41 pm
by crowdmapped
I haven't personally used Facebook ads for a crowdfunding campaign but I do have experience using FB ads for other things and the results have been great. Facebook ads are effective because you can really do deep ad targeting to narrow down your audience based on multiple different criteria such as age, gender, interests, location etc....

Re: Ads for Crowdfunding!

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 2:07 am
by sbriggman
Some Twitter Ad and FB Results reported by other creators:

"Facebook is all about testing. You have to test different ads against each other and see what works. We are building up our "likes" right now and so far have gotten about 120 for $50 in 4 days, totally 566. I expect that number to grow to about 1200 before we launch. One promoted post I did got close to 1000 views in about seven days and I was paying 3 cents a click. I'm not saying I'm always going to have these results, but I got these results mentioned because I tested my ads like crazy and I got a hit." Great thread: post9862.html?hilit=twitter%20ads#p9862

"Once you start paying for targeted facebook ads, it seems they withhold you from being seen until you pay again. I paid 5-10.00 here and there with targeted ads, seems I picked up one or two backers, but hard to say because in the stats I have a lot of traffic from facebook, but not sure how to break it down to those I direct messaged in FB vs ads, vs them finding my FB page. I do know a few people that have huge FB lists and they say now only 3-5% of their followers see their posts. " Read more: post13172.html?hilit=twitter%20ads#p13172

" If not, then I do want to add that Facebook ads were a good way to get fans and engagement leading up to my KS project. Only a small percentage of my fans have actually become customers (that were not already connected to my network some how), but I did get a lot of good feedback from them, like their response to different ways to use the Kodi bag (travel, work, diaper bag, etc) or how they responded to different images." - Read more: post12168.html?hilit=facebook%20ads#p12168

"I tried promoting the campaign via paid ads on Facebook. I was on a tight budged and reached about 5000 users in two days, but none of them were converted into campaign support. Interestingly enough, Facebook ads worked really well when promoting the page I created for my game. " Read more: post10781.html?hilit=facebook%20ads#p10781

"I boosted several posts on Facebook and I saw the ads reaching a lot of people, and people were actually finding my FB page and liking it. So far though, it has not translated into backers. " See: post9379.html?hilit=facebook%20ads#p9379

Thanks to all the awesome users who shared their experiences!

Re: Ads for Crowdfunding!

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 2:10 am
by sbriggman
I also did an article a little ways back on a project that successfully used FB ads to raise funds. See: ... r-success/

Re: Ads for Crowdfunding!

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 4:53 pm
by AsaArt
Thank you Salvador,

as always great information. Do you have any positive feedback about Bing or Google ads?

Re: Ads for Crowdfunding!

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 12:57 pm
by cyberdan
I've seen other kickstarter campaign ads on my Facebook feed. Probably because I've been browsing and backing KS campaigns for a while now. One ad I noticed and took a screenshot (see attachment) did very well although I really hate how they went for the viral SPAM, "What this does is insane!" and a red circle around some object -- but I guess it works because they've raised $100s of $1000s and have received many likes and comments.

Re: Ads for Crowdfunding!

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:47 pm
by Wulfconn
I have personally used Facebook advertising and Twitter, social media etc to share my Kickstarter project link which just started last week.