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Setting Campaign Goals

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 9:47 pm
by MattBnB
Hey guys I know a big challenge a ton of campaign creators have is how much to set their campaign goals at. IT is a bit of a psychological game.

Here is some insight from interviewing 40+ accomplished Kickstarter inventors...hope this helps someone :)

Re: Setting Campaign Goals

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:34 am
by onesuit
Great article. Still leaves me as perplexed as before about what funding goal we should have set for our project. I'm too honest to set a lower goal to hope that we get over funded. If we were only to get the lower amount then we wouldn't be doing all of what have said we would do in our story.

We took the risk of setting a real goal.........and it is going to mean for us an unsuccessful campaign.

Never mind, lessons learnt for next time.
