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Is there anything I can fix with my KS campaign?

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:36 pm
by coolinvent
The concept of my campaign is a light that is based on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein novel using Edison light bulbs. I'm 100% funded but am at a dead standstill. Getting more press or articles on this has been a challenge. I'd appreciate any feedback. Know everyone's time is precious.

Re: Is there anything I can fix with my KS campaign?

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:03 pm
by CatDuo

Start out with: "My Steampunk-inspired light fixture has already reached its funding goal on Kickstarter"

Press love that story.

Re: Is there anything I can fix with my KS campaign?

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 11:47 pm
by coolinvent
Thanks, I already tried both but maybe will try your angle. Anything else you can see that you would change? What about the light itself? Thanks.

Re: Is there anything I can fix with my KS campaign?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:38 am
by CatDuo
I'm honestly just a marketer, so I couldn't comment on your actual prototype.
I can see people like Phil and Kaja Foglio really liking it. :)

Re: Is there anything I can fix with my KS campaign?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:42 am
by Charles
You've already met your funding objective, plus you've got forty-seven more days left until your KickStarter campaign for this project comes to a conclusion. So, you might yet be surprised by how much that you accumulate in funding pledges.

I've actually glanced at this project page on more than one previous occasion. This evening, though, I spent more time on it than probably all of my previous visits to it, combined.

It's just not a project that I found to be particularly exciting - UNTIL I noticed that image with the movement in it.

BUT, I'm pretty sure that it is moved by hand, not by any motor. So, that sucked the energy out that was beginning to materialize.

The bulbs, themselves, don't remind me of Frankenstein, when you touch them. The lights merely turn on and off. The blown glass spheres look good, and if they were interchangeable with various colored globes, or could be ordered in various colors, that might be a plus. Now, if the bulbs went all crazy with energy, as plasma bulbs do, then I think it would be much more impressive, visually, and grab people's attention better.

But, it is what it is - not to belittle it, because it's the only lighting project on KickStarter that I have looked at, and you have already met your funding goal.

The light, itself, aside, your project page doesn't have a lot of visual energy or visual attraction to it. You don't play up the Frankenstein angle, which I think is the better of the two angles (Frankenstein and Edison), very much. Some art to decorate the page, to make it look more like a mad scientist's laboratory, might grab and keep page visitor's attention better.

Also, I think that if you had picked Tesla, instead of Edison, then you would generate more interest.

To me, it just comes across as a touch light. At two hundred and ninety dollars, as listed on your website, it just seems a bit expensive for a touch light.

Have you considered engraving the base? It' square, and you could make it look like the top of Frankenstein's head, using a laser engraver.

Re: Is there anything I can fix with my KS campaign?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:50 am
by coolinvent
Thanks for your comments. You might like to see my previous lighting project : . One of a kind innovative lights take a lot of work and are not by any means inexpensive to produce.

Re: Is there anything I can fix with my KS campaign?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:02 am
by Charles
Understood, Dale.