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Indiegogo campaign suddenly stopped appearing

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 2:06 pm
by ILoveGamess

last week me and my team launched an Indiegogo Campaign about a game of ours called Time Walker. We asked our fans to share our campaign in facebook and twitter and they did pretty well. We got over 2k facebook shares and over 1150 twitter tweets. We also have like 1400 campaign views. 2 Days ago we used to stand at the second page of trending in Gaming section. But then, after a few hours our campaign stopped appearing at all. It doesn't even show at the last page. We messaged indiegogo support and they told us that we need the gogofactor and we need to have many visitors and be active in our campaign. Is this some kind of joke ? We have more fb shares and tweets than every other campaign in the gaming section. I think we deserve at least a spot at the final page... Anyone else experienced this ? Any suggestion on what do we have to do ? This is really frustrating.

This is our campaign : ... /x/8215088

Thank you for your time.

Regards ,
Drixy TM.

Re: Indiegogo campaign suddenly stopped appearing

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:19 pm
by sbriggman
Hi Drixy - So, I did some research on gogofactor and came to this conclusion: nothing that you do to impact your gogofactor matters until you hit 20% of your fundraising goal. Indiegogo doesn't say that, but I have strong suspicions that is the case.

See the article I wrote on it here: hacking-indiegogo-s-gogofactor-t2024.html

Re: Indiegogo campaign suddenly stopped appearing

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:52 pm
by ILoveGamess
But... we see people's campaigns there who have no donations just like me but they have no fb shares or tweets. Why do they deserve to be in trending and not our campaign. Most of the campaigns in this section are "Buy me a new computer" "Help me make a computer to stream" and stuff like that. We're really disapointed from indiegogo's way to "rate" people's campaigns. I doubt the gogofactor has to do anything with that. This is suspicious. We have the most shared campaign in this category but we still don't deserve at least the last place. It just sounds...wrong.