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Do Fiverrs and purchased tweets / likes etc work?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 6:46 pm
by SoDaptor
I have used Fiverr a few times to get immediate likes on product pages in the past, just as a booster to start a campaign. But in this scenario, I'm looking for real backers and not wanting to waste my efforts on producing essentially fake numbers.

I was surfing around and I found this product:

And for $5 they do a lot. Including back your project for a buck, give a tweet, a facebook status, but do those things actually mean anything as far as getting real backers.

On Fiverr there are people offering similar services. Are any of these actually worth it for a kickstarter campaign?

Re: Do Fiverrs and purchased tweets / likes etc work?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 12:46 am
by sbriggman
I don't think it would be useful unless they were backing you and leaving positives comments (some do offer that)

Re: Do Fiverrs and purchased tweets / likes etc work?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 1:20 am
by SoDaptor
Yeah I thought that too, but even the ones offering that, if I took my $5 and created 5 new kickstarter accounts, backed my project for $1 each and left a comment, I would be doing myself a much better service with no risk.

Now if they happen to share it with one person who backs the project for a substantial amount, it's all worth it. I just don't see that happening for $5, usually you purchase the illusion of activity.