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Does this video cause more harm than good?

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 1:47 am
by Angela.Benedict
I started my kickstarter 3 days ago and uploaded a video featuring a 'tip' that relates to my project. My concern is that the video does more harm than good. The only capabilities I have is a webcam from office max. It's not fantastic quality by any stretch of the imagination however it does neatly illustrate my need for an upgrade which is primarily what my project needs funding for. I'm a little worried that the dodgy quality may annoy people more than anything else and cause me to lose potential backers.

Here's the video. My hands reek of soy sauce from the amount of takes. Should I remove it or allow it to remain on my kickstarter?



Re: Does this video cause more harm than good?

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:39 am
by tf8252
Video quality is is pretty bzd though but still audible. If it were a longer video Id say fix it but since its short dont worry. If youre really concerned, add a text message at the beginning of tne video that apologizes for the poor audio quality...maybe explain it by mentioning how your too frugal to spend money on better equipment.

Also, you are very pretty AND great on camera so that's going a long way here.

Re: Does this video cause more harm than good?

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 12:33 pm
by Angela.Benedict
Thanks for the reply! Yeah, that audio is pretty painful. My dog was tilting his head when I played it back. Some annotations are a good idea. Kind of like a disclaimer letting people know that I'm completely aware of the audio quality and apologize.

Thanks for the kind words! Lets hope that this is a face that people can trust to teach them the art of ramen deconstruction! :lol:

Re: Does this video cause more harm than good?

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:30 pm
by lauriellen
Hi Angela! I don't think it would necessarily stop people from joining your Kickstarter campaign, but my concerns are more the video quality than audio. I didn't notice the audio issues the first time I watched because I was noticing that your mouth was blurry (unless that's more on my end; I have a great webcam but crappy computer :)). I also was a little distracted that the top of your head was cut off. You are really cute and personable and do well on camera, and while I don't think the video detracts from your Kickstarter, I think if you shot it again in really good lighting (I don't know if you have a laptop so you could be more portable) maybe it would be more charming. Just some thoughts.

I think the video does add to the project, as is, especially the part about what to avoid in ingredients. I'm sure lots of people just grab cheap soy sauce without looking at the brand or ingredients. And I never thought about the little packets being sucky soy sauce.

Here's my webcam if you're interested. It's currently $67.99 on Amazon. I use it on a Windows 7 computer. ... UTF8&psc=1

Oh, just a tiny grammar tip: When you use "myriad," it's not technically "myriad of," although that's the most common usage so I wouldn't even bother to change it unless you really want to. Gramatically, it's "myriad soy sauces," not "myriad of soy sauces."

Good luck with your project!


Re: Does this video cause more harm than good?

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:37 pm
by lauriellen
Hey Angela,

This is unrelated to your question, but just a suggestion:

If I were you, I'd add additional tiers, at least a $5 tier but maybe also $15 and $20. You could name backers on a video, share a backer's favorite ramen recipe, give them a picture you create (maybe of whatever graphic would go on the shirt). I think you have loads of potential for non-physical rewards that would cost little or nothing and give you the potential of more backers.

Just a thought. I think you have a really cool idea that would be a fun YouTube channel for people looking to dress up ramen noodles.

Re: Does this video cause more harm than good?

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 7:19 pm
by Angela.Benedict
Hey Laurie!

Thanks so much for the suggestions and insight! Hey, If you think my usage of myriad was bad, you should have seen the takes prior to the final cut. It was tough to watch. I kept saying "Not all soy sauces are 'related' equal". I definitely don't use the word often and after saying 'plethora' a buttload in previous takes it was making me feel as if I had a speech impediment 'thuckerin-thuckertash' so I changed it up a little. I'll definitely keep that tip in mind. I'm a touch sensitive about coming off like an idiot so that's definitely useful information.

Thanks for the link! I've bookmarked it :) Sadly, I don't have a laptop at the moment. The desktop I have is borderline vintage and had to be busted out of storage once my laptop finally bit it. Before that happened I was able to use my camera to record and it's actually a pretty good camera. It's the computer that just wont let me upload. After the demise of the laptop my videos stopped as well. Here's my youtube channel There's really no rhyme or reason for any of it. Just a lot of pent up energy with no direction.

I really appreciate your compliments. I just want to come across genuine and watchable. Tutorials can often be presented by such dull people that I tune out and lose interest and in the end I've learned nothing.

I really like your idea for the additional tiers. I really need to have a think of what would interest people but not be too weird. That line can be a bit blurred at times.

Re: Does this video cause more harm than good?

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 8:26 pm
by Angela.Benedict
Thanks so much for taking the time to review my campaign and video. I've taken everything on board and done the following...

I've added more rewards. I really like what Laurie suggested so one of my rewards now features customizing a dish and naming the backer in a video.

I've also added an apology for the sound quality in the beginning of the video as tf8252 suggested.

Thanks again for your help!

Re: Does this video cause more harm than good?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 12:03 am
by SoDaptor
It's definitely better than no video at all. However I think it can be framed better. Move the cam about a foot farther away from you. This will give you more headroom, more side room, and overall should fit the frame better.

Also record on another audio source. If that is the quality of audio from your cam, take your cell phone and run a voice recorder app. Keep your cell phone on your desk. Between the 2 audio sources, you should find one good enough to use. Usually the cell phone records a decent quality sound, at least it won't be muffled like it is now.

Best of luck on your KS!

Re: Does this video cause more harm than good?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 6:04 pm
by lauriellen
Sweet! But aren't the $5 and $10 levels the same? The only difference I see is that the $5 level says "with an ingredients list" and the $10 level doesn't say that.

I'm hungry for ramen now.

Re: Does this video cause more harm than good?

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 4:58 am
by lauriellen
Good luck with the rest of your campaign! I just backed because I like your enthusiasm and you make me hungry. :)