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Pre-marketing & Press Releases

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 10:27 am
by Helpmeplz
I've been working hard to get my project KickSstarter ready and I wanted to raise awareness for the project, however I'm not sure how much pre-marketing works or if I have really notable news for a press releasee.

I have created a website, twitter, facebook, instagram, and tumblr for the whole social media blitz. I also have archived all my press releases online, grant it I haven't released one yet as I have to use form entires on most pr sites and I prefer just to email the pdf.

Any ideas if premakering works and if a press release is a good idea? You can check the few that I have online at

The site:

Re: Pre-marketing & Press Releases

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:08 am
by Shuzza
HeLPMePLZ -I am aware I'm not your target market, but man your page is hard to read with the ALL CAP COPY ON A BLACK BACKGROUND AND NO PHOTOS!

Re: Pre-marketing & Press Releases

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:09 am
by Shuzza
I hit return too soon, sorry - I would really take a look at what you have done and then come at it from the perspective of someone who has NEVER seen or heard of you and do they understand what you are trying to do, and quickly?

Re: Pre-marketing & Press Releases

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 12:05 pm
by Helpmeplz
Your actually the very first to mention any issues with readability. I was thinking it was very straight forward, the about tap (after you enter the site) tells more about the story of the tv show with a huge header. Maybe send me a screenshot, perhaps the page isn't fully loading on your computer. Which would be my problem as well.

=== edit ===

I looked at the page from a quick second glance and it being black n white changes the dynamic we're used to . It's suppose to be a computer "terminal" that "::-_-::ANGEL@" hacked together (as apart of the ARG). It's not suppose to be perfect and go with the hacking montra... of which hurts my eyes... but believe me: when their was no color (just black n white) it was worse. Also their are images, try navigating to "Rewards", or to the Shirts icon, or even "Printable".

I may add this image to the "about" section.


Re: Pre-marketing & Press Releases

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 5:48 am
by FranklinTirado
I would like to inform you that Pre-marketing and press-releases are very helpful for crowed funding. I am not saying that you will get a lot of sale through it, but yes, you will get a lot of traffic from it and this will help you for selling your project.

Re: Pre-marketing & Press Releases

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 6:21 am
by Helpmeplz
Any idea on who to release a press release to?

Re: Pre-marketing & Press Releases

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 8:36 pm
by Inventalator
You can have all the SM accounts in the world but you have to focus on building your network around those who you believe can be converted into customers. Stay active, engage them, and tailor your project to their interests.

Re: Pre-marketing & Press Releases

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 2:44 am
by ryan4zubits
I would agree with what some others have said. You know what you are all about, but it's too hard for the rest of us to QUICKLY understand what you are doing. I too want to tease my product to attract suspense and interest, but there is a point where I want it to be absolutely clear and understandable. Good luck, Ryan.

Re: Pre-marketing & Press Releases

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 1:34 am
by Helpmeplz
Do you think some of the changes I made to the project page help?