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How do you choose best Kickstarter Category & Sub-Category?

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 11:32 am
by SalvagedStudio
Hello Everyone,

It might be the artist in me, but I had a hard time with categorization for my project. I'm a jewelry metalsmith and my project is raising funds for my first wholesale craft market next month in New Jersey. I consider myself and artist, not a fashion designer. So, I was disappointed not to find a metals or jewelry category under the main Art category.

I've played around a bit with categories for my campaign in hopes of increasing Kickstarter direct traffic. For now, it's under Fashion/Jewelry which seems the most obvious place. However, I find their categories very narrow/limited and worry that those who are into art jewelry and upcycling might not look there.

Can anyone recommend articles or blog posts someone could suggest on how to get to your target market (or perceived target market) through use of categories?


Re: How do you choose best Kickstarter Category & Sub-Catego

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 2:38 pm
by sbriggman
This is a very good question on Kickstarter Search Optimization. There hasn't been too much research done on it that I've found (or that I've done). It seems like it's mainly based on your observations at this point. Here is what another user has said:

I found that getting in a sub-category that is well targeted for your project (and hopefully not overcrowded with other projects) improved visibility (for instance we changed our category from hardware to DIY electronics during the project).

Source: post10717.html?hilit=category#p10717

Re: How do you choose best Kickstarter Category & Sub-Catego

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 6:42 pm
by SalvagedStudio
Thanks for responding. It's too bad there isn't more info on the way backers search projects on Kickstarter. That would be very helpful to project creators as would more categories and/or sub-categories and definitely tags.

Re: How do you choose best Kickstarter Category & Sub-Catego

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 5:24 pm
by sbriggman
I also read this article recently Data Analysis: How does category influence Kickstarter project success?

I don't think it will help you answer your question, but it does raise some interesting questions about category choice and stats.

Re: How do you choose best Kickstarter Category & Sub-Catego

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 3:11 am
by KodiBag
This is so interesting!! My 2-in-1 Kodi bag campaign is currently in the fashion / accessories categories, but I am wondering if I should change it to product design. According to that article, the product design category is more successful... ... s-into-one

Re: How do you choose best Kickstarter Category & Sub-Catego

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 5:36 am
by FranklinTirado
Yeah! you all are right. If some more categories and sub-categories will available on Kickstarter, this will really help many project creators. Lake of categories, they can't post their new project information here.

Re: How do you choose best Kickstarter Category & Sub-Catego

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:36 am
by MadKnittingLab
Thanks for the article sbriggsman! That was insightful.

I have been debating which category to place my project in. Not sure whether to put it in a popular category that would hopefully be search more/have more viewers, a category with few projects so I will be big fish in a small pond, or another best fit category.