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How long should you promote before you start your campaign.

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 6:44 pm
by trexrell44
I was talking to a friend about my two failed campaigns. The second getting my project a lot more attention and capital.So the third and more than likely final time I want to do things as right as possible. So we got into promotion and he gave me some really interesting perspectives on ways that I can improve. One of them was promoting way before the campaign is to begin. We came to the conclusion that you should promote no more than 2 weeks before hand. Reason being most people will forget. The excitement will ware off and your idea may become stale in the supporters minds. How true is that? Do you guys have much better opinions on the subject.

Re: How long should you promote before you start your campai

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 4:18 am
by Azariah
Promotional activities stands our if we see the growth chart they do have a very impressive style of improving in a way and at the same time help us with learning a lot.
This is what i believe in and it works for me most of the times because its quite sense making.

Re: How long should you promote before you start your campai

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 5:24 pm
by sbriggman
Yea, I think the week leading up to the project is best. I think you should be working to build your email list though as early as possible. You could do that with giveaways (free ____) or blog posts.

Re: How long should you promote before you start your campai

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 6:45 pm
by trexrell44
sbriggman wrote:Yea, I think the week leading up to the project is best. I think you should be working to build your email list though as early as possible. You could do that with giveaways (free ____) or blog posts.

Awesome! I was going to start like a month earlier. Good thing I asked some questions. This will really make a difference. I started blogging but not about the kickstarter. We were talking about giving away some free content but I have no idea what I could do in that regard. Perhaps a design contest for a character we have in mind that could be in game.

Re: How long should you promote before you start your campai

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:40 pm
by Inventalator
All depends on your marketing plan and strategy. Should set up milestones that you want to meet leading up to your campaign and set a timeline around those.

Re: How long should you promote before you start your campai

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 9:39 pm
by trexrell44
Right now I'm using a platform to generate some support. It is a platform that is generally used for games The model is really interesting though. You have to bring in people who have a general interest in your demo or concept. Once you reach your goal on a specific day they allow you to post a message on that social media platform of their choice. I also have gotten a bunch of youtubers to play my game on their channels. I need a specific number of backers for my first day of course but I am not sure if it is a certain number of backers or a certain amount of funding to actually get you noticed. Do you guys have any data on that information. On when does potential kickstarter backers or even the kickstarter staff takes notice within the 1st couple of days.

Re: How long should you promote before you start your campai

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 1:53 pm
by sbriggman
"A 2D, story driven sci-fi fantasy RPG with a theme of discovery, and a comic based art style. Returning to the roots of JRPGs."

A design contest could be interesting. The blog (or social media) content is usually meant to sort of reel in new supporters for a product launch, so I would begin to brainstorm by considering the following:

- What types of people supported the game in the past and what do they like to read or learn about? For example, maybe browse some subreddits and look at what posts are getting upvoted. Maybe up-and-coming RPG designers want to learn how to make a game and sharing resources that you find to be helpful in making a game would be good.

- How can you solve problems that readers have? For example... a lot of RPG designers are now thinking about running a Kickstarter. The problem is they don't know what it's like or what to expect. Doing a post-mortem might be useful to them and get you some new readers.

Another example would be that maybe someone looking to get into the community of RPG gaming design doesn't know where to start so a post like this one (the one I did on MMO) might be helpful: post10108.html?hilit=mmo#p10108

The contests could be a way to get amateur designers in front of a larger audience or be entertaining.

Re: How long should you promote before you start your campai

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:49 pm
by Hoodsbee
Has anyone found it to be more effective by having their Kickstarter campaign last longer than 30 days?

Re: How long should you promote before you start your campai

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 11:27 pm
by tengsupply
Check out

Re: How long should you promote before you start your campai

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 5:27 am
by FranklinTirado
The time for promotion is not as important as the way of promotion. If your promotional tricks are effective, then people will attract automatically. And you said that they forget about your project, it is true for some instances, but not for all. You should promote your project until you get satisfied with the sale.
Earlier I launch my project of Automatic Lighting. It has Smart Bulbs, which switching on/off by saying "Vocca switch light". I have been running campaign for it since last week. And I am getting sale too.
[youtube] [/youtube]