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Converting twitter engagement into Indiegogo contributions

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:21 pm
by TechSpaghetti
Hi there,

We've built up a fairly large and reasonably relevant twitter following (2000+ followers), and are now trying to get our followers to contribute to our Indiegogo campaign.

We've been trying simple notification-style tweets about our campaign, as well as relevant quotes/statistics/comments with owlys tacked on the end to drive followers to our Indiegogo page.

While I've noticed that these tweets get retweeted and favourited, our Indiegogo page analytics show very little contributions come via twitter.

Any ideas on how we can improve this? Or is this normal?

TechSpaghetti - The Young Innovator's Toolkit

Re: Converting twitter engagement into Indiegogo contributio

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 7:15 pm
by sbriggman
I think it varies, but let's crunch some numbers. Let's say for every 100 visitors, 5 will pledge at the average tier of $20 = $100.

Let's say for every tweet you get 5 clicks. That means 100/5 = 20 tweets to get to 100 visitors. Let's say you tweet 3 promotions per day. 3*7 = 21. In one week you would generate $100 in pledges from twitter with those conversions.

Obviously, if you get more clicks, better conversions, etc, it will improve those numbers (along with retweets, which may expose you to a greater audience).

Re: Converting twitter engagement into Indiegogo contributio

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 7:35 am
by TechSpaghetti
Thanks for getting back so promptly.

I'm usually putting out about 3 tweets per day with links to our campaign, sometimes explicitly saying that our campaign is live with a short description of what it's about and an owly. Sometimes I just tweet something relevant to our product (in this case education-technology) with a link to our campaign attached on the end.

From what I see, both types of tweets get a lot of love (retweets/favourites) but our campaign contributions via twitter are virtually non-existent.

Is there any tweet approach you can recommend? Should we be taking more of a "support our campaign to change education" angle instead of a sales angle?

So far we've focused predominantly on 3 target groups:
educators/edtech enthusiaists,
the entrepreneur/crowdfunding/startup crowd

If you have any suggestions, we'd love to hear!

Re: Converting twitter engagement into Indiegogo contributio

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 5:52 am
by dlewis1212
Hi TechSpaghetti!

I've done a limited amount of promotion on Twitter, but I've done a whole lot on Facebook and the concepts are pretty similar I imagine. I think you are exactly right with pushing more of a social angle than a sales angle. Are you giving people a reason to support you? What's in it for them? Outside of the rewards (although you can use those I would imagine). Can their donation help a kid get a scholarship? Find the story angles and the benefits.

Are you promoting to the right audience? Most times people need to see something at least 7 times before they'll investigate it further. You may want to consider ads for more control. Lastly, are you placing a call-to-action in your tweet? Are you telling them, "Click here to learn more..." "Click here to pledge your support". Those are just some real quick thoughts off the top.

Re: Converting twitter engagement into Indiegogo contributio

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:41 am
by TechSpaghetti
Hi dlewis1212,

Thanks for the great advice. I think the social angle is the way to go, and we could definitely be putting in stronger calls to action.

Your point about story angles and benefits is true too. I feel we are promoting to the write audience, and on the right channels. I think we may just need to give them a stronger reason to support the campaign.

TechSpaghetti - The Young Innovator's Toolkit

Re: Converting twitter engagement into Indiegogo contributio

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 4:45 pm
by DodgeEyeBalls
We will be starting our kickstarter DODGE Eye Balls soon but we are trying to increase our supporter base first. We were told by another person who had a kickstarter project that it was one if not the most crucial elements needed to have a successfully funded campaign. Most services that offer paid services don't work. They may get you clicks but they don't generally convert to backers because most of those clicking wouldn't be your targeted audience, same with your general twitter and facebook followers. Those services also have twitter and facebook pages that no one really reads because they are full of links and advertisement and who reads those pages?

Best to target people interesting in giving to projects like yours, those who have an invested interest in it. Also, if you can find a network of people or groups who are interested in new start-ups and possibly entrepreneurship.

Lastly, posting and commenting with your project everywhere possible, where relevant.

Re: Converting twitter engagement into Indiegogo contributio

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 3:32 pm
by coolinvent
I find that a lot of problems with a lot of campaigns is that they ask too much for the funding goal.