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Renderings prohibited when launching design project

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:14 pm
by naytarn
Hi guys,

Just wanted to know if any of you have had problems launching a design project because you had realistic renderings in your campaign? My project is currently awaiting approval due to this. I've found several other projects approved less than a week ago which all have renderings throughout their video and KS page.

The community manager has asked us to remove all renderings as realistic ones are prohibited.

What are your thoughts on this guys?


Re: Renderings prohibited when launching design project

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:58 am
by marriagesaver
I think they just want to see a working prototype. Our video has a rendering at the end. However, we also show a working prototype as well. We got approved in a couple hours.

Re: Renderings prohibited when launching design project

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 1:16 am
by naytarn
We have a working prototype as well. I understand why they're doing it, its just hard to show backers what they are backing for. Especially when ks seems to be inconsistent with this new guideline. The community manage going over my project said that said people add renderings after its been approved but to be aware that if reported, ks can ask you to change it all or risk having your campaign cancelled. Just a heads up to anyone who is thinking of using renders.