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Payment methods and how they affect choice of CF platform

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 8:16 pm
by MathFour
I'm considering the "big 3" of CF platforms:
  • Kickstarter
  • IndieGoGo
  • RockeHub
Seems there are a handful of big things to consider, but one that's really interesting is the way they each "charge" the contributors.

From what I can tell, Kickstarter uses payment, IndieGoGo uses PayPal or credit card and RocketHub uses credit card input only.

What are the pros & cons of each? And if you had to choose based ONLY on payment method, which do you think you would pick?

Re: Payment methods and how they affect choice of CF platfor

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:10 pm
by sbriggman
What are the pros & cons of each? And if you had to choose based ONLY on payment method, which do you think you would pick?

If I had to choose based on payment method, I think I would choose PayPal. I like the reporting features paypal gives. It's easy to export your data for tax analysis, planning, etc. PayPal is also pretty well known now.