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Campaign for non-US, UK, etc.. citizens

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 12:37 pm
by ViliX
Is there any way for people from central Europe (Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Poland) to create campaign on Kickstarter? I've found some posts on the internet, but they included creating complicated business in US and some bank accounts. I am an individual from Czech Republic and I have no intention to start a company, but I want to create campaign on Kickstarter for my project.

Re: Campaign for non-US, UK, etc.. citizens

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 12:54 am
by therriaultk
This link talks about whether or not you should choose Kickstarter US or UK for your project, and mentions a little bit about if you are outside of the UK.

Have you considered another platform like Indiegogo, which I think anyone can use?
Let me know if this helps, and good luck figuring it out. What kind of project are you planning on launching?

Re: Campaign for non-US, UK, etc.. citizens

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 4:09 am
by ViliX
I've already read the article and it contains somethig about creating some companies umin UK, etc and that is too complicated. I am planning to launch a video game.

Re: Campaign for non-US, UK, etc.. citizens

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 1:09 pm
by colorhunter
Hi Vilix!
We're italians and we've just started a campaign on Kickstarter for our game.

as you wrote, we were forced to open a company in US to start our campaign because from Italy we couldn't subscribe the Amazon Payment account that Kickstarter require. I remember i read some while ago that Kickstarter would've to open to other providers (my mind goes to Paypal for example) but until now there's no info about it.

If you don't want to open a company, I think your other solution is to have an american/canadian/uk friend you can partner with... or maybe change platform as Therriaultk advised.

good luck for your project :)

Re: Campaign for non-US, UK, etc.. citizens

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:49 am
by aricidici
Hey colorhunter

As we are working on our kickstarter campaign, we are in the same situation you have been. Therefore, I would be very happy if you could answer to my questions:
- where did you set up your company in the US and at which costs?
- how did you transfer the money from the US to Italy in order to avoid any costs?
- how did you deal with US tax issues for the money you got through the campaign?

Thank you very much in advnace!

Re: Campaign for non-US, UK, etc.. citizens

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 7:51 pm
by KFH
ViliX wrote:Is there any way for people from central Europe (Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Poland) to create campaign on Kickstarter? I've found some posts on the internet, but they included creating complicated business in US and some bank accounts. I am an individual from Czech Republic and I have no intention to start a company, but I want to create campaign on Kickstarter for my project.

I read an article recently and they have opened opportunity for Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Ireland!
Which is great and possibly means its just all taking time to open up to different countries. I am not sure how helpful this news is but I guess what your asking for is in the pipelines

here is the link ... nd-ireland