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Looking for advice on our Kickstarter before we go live...

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 3:57 pm
Hi everyone, my name's Sam, and I'm prepping the Kickstarter campaign for a feature film, called 'BitterSuite'.

I stumbled across this forum when I was searching on advice of how maximise our chances of achieving our target - I'm very impressed with the quality and quantity of advice offered on here!

We plan to go live on the 17th of June, so I've allotted time to get featured on media blogs, and so on... but I would really value some advice by seasoned Kickstarters to see if there's any major pitfalls I'm unwittingly stepping into...
I've never ran a Kickstarter before, so am pretty apprehensive about just throwing the project out into the wild on the 15th without feedback; if anyone here would care to take a look at our page and video and give feedback it would be very appreciated!

You can preview our page here - - (oh, and the campaign will be 30 days, not sixty-odd as on the page!)

Thanks in advance of retaking the time to red this, and I hope to learn a lot from all of you nice folks


Re: Looking for advice on our Kickstarter before we go live.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 3:21 pm
by sbriggman
Some thoughts:

1. Is this the minimum amount you need to raise? Always set the lowest goal.
2. What kind have feedback have you gotten already?
3. Do you have 20% (family/friends/professional network) lined up to help out by pledging to the campaign? Your first few days are your highest chance of being seen by strangers in the honeymoon period. See: this article.

I like the way you guys narrated the video with the drawings. Also your budget breakdown looks good.

Re: Looking for advice on our Kickstarter before we go live.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 11:07 am
Hi sbriggman,

Thanks so much for taking a look at the preview link - I'll do my best to answer your questions...

1) Yep, £11,000 is the lowest. It's a pretty tiny amount to make a feature film, so I think there's an opportunity for us to make more of it in the risks and rewards section - I'll get on that today!

2) We've gotten really encouraging feedback; people wanted another reward level between 10 and 25 quid, and there was the valid concern that getting the sofa is actually getting a problem - but on the whole, people really were pretty positive about the video and the content.

3) We're trying to ensure we get the campaign off to a pretty hard start by contacting our 'pre-backers' in advance, and can coordinate when they'll be giving cash - 30% might be a stretch, but it's what we're aiming for. I gotta say though - thanks os much for that link - the link to the article about media lists is a goldmine!

Thanks so much for the nice comments on the video, unsurprisingly, it took a lot of time and effort to make - it was like making a mini-movie! As for the budget breakdown; we've made films before, and we know that it's a genuine reflection of our bidet's top sheet - but I'm worried it might cause problems for people, rather than solve them...

We've had some people say "but you've allotted no money for a sound mix!", and I see their point - there's no way they know from that budget that we plan to do it in house... do you think I should leave it on, or delete it?

Thanks again,


Re: Looking for advice on our Kickstarter before we go live.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 4:03 pm
by sbriggman
@sam - Glad the article is helpful. Tweet it out when you get a chance :D

Hmm... I would leave it in and then add an FAQ section with some of those questions you've received. I think the budget is a good way to show you guys have thought through the campaign and what it will take to make the project happen.

Re: Looking for advice on our Kickstarter before we go live.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 8:11 am
by Wavebomb
We would launch the project#Whome# in these days. We have done a lot work in Facebook,twitter,soundcloud and linkedin.How do you assess the flow from the social network.
Check out ... n=05146e25

Re: Looking for advice on our Kickstarter before we go live.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 7:05 pm
by sbriggman
Well, once you launch, if you add a "+" to the end of your Kickstarter short-link, you can see where the traffic is coming from.

Re: Looking for advice on our Kickstarter before we go live.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 7:06 pm
by sbriggman
Would also check out the breakdown from these guys' campaign: a-kickstarter-post-mortem-t2331.html