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Having trouble getting word out and landing pledges

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:53 am
by bignem
Some may say I'm worrying too much.

I'm doing a documentary on a 35 year old virgin with a curfew who goes on an epic quest across the US to lose his virginity and discover adulthood. I've landed some celebrities and interest from all over. So many people on Facebook and many of my friends are very supportive, yet its 2 days in and only a couple friends of mine have pledged.

I have cool perks I'm offering and I'm going to be doing a number of supplementary videos throughout the campaign. I dunno if I'm panicking too early but I feel as if I should be much further ahead.

Please let me know your advice and thoughts. This thing is blowing up everywhere but Kickstarter :(

Campaign: ... old-virgin


Re: Having trouble getting word out and landing pledges

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:56 pm
by sbriggman
Few thoughts:
1. $50 seems pretty steep to get a copy of the dvd or at least be able to watch it.
2. Where will the funds go? Don't see a breakdown in campaign text. For some reason my internet is slow, so the video isn't loading. It may be in the video.

Re: Having trouble getting word out and landing pledges

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:39 am
by dangleemarcar
I think he should have to explore something that will open him to the adulthood stage. ;)

Re: Having trouble getting word out and landing pledges

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 9:21 pm
by Tyler Shaw
Have you tried contacting people personally? If you and team start sending out a bunch of personal e-mails, I find that tends to work well. People are more likely to respond.