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"The Captain's Crypt of HoRRoR" Has Launched!

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:54 am
by Davidbunn
:mrgreen: Hi to all you comic fans. I have launched my project and would like to know the best way to raise funds for it. Here is a bit about the book and a link to the kickstarter page for it. I am looking for helpful suggestions here.

"The Captain's Crypt of HoRRoR" collects for the first time in hardcover 18 of the best horror stories published by One Shot Press. All stories written by David C*J Bunn and illustrated by top notch artists. This 160 page graphic novel has a "Tales from the Crypt" style with a touch of Mad magazine tossed in. This is my first Kickstarter project and I am looking forward to a successful project. You can make this happen with me. A small pledge of just $30.00 gets you listed as a contributing publisher, a signed copy of the book upon publication, and other cool stuff too. Check the rewards list for the real deals.

Included in the 18 tales to terrify you are two anti-drug stories. "White Christmas" & "Dr. Feelgood" are designed to entertain & educate. Thank you for taking the time to check my project out. ... ess-graphi

Re: "The Captain's Crypt of HoRRoR" Has Launched!

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:58 pm
by sbriggman
Great use of polls! :D

Re: "The Captain's Crypt of HoRRoR" Has Launched!

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 3:14 pm
by Davidbunn
I see you joined on 4/20 - did you pick the day out of a hat or are you 420 friendly?

Re: "The Captain's Crypt of HoRRoR" Has Launched!

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:51 am
by sbriggman
Haha no, that was completely coincidental. It will be the 1 year anniversary of this forum on the 20th.

Re: "The Captain's Crypt of HoRRoR" Has Launched!

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 3:58 pm
by Davidbunn
Gosh Darn, and I thought I hit a 420 friendly site-I'm Captain Joint from High Times-always looking for 420 Happy 1 year anniversary, I am hoping to kickstart my way back into publishing-I just recently heard about kickstarter and thought I'd give it a shot! 9% funded so far. Have a great day,


Re: "The Captain's Crypt of HoRRoR" Has Launched!

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:41 pm
by Dascarecrow72
I'm in my first KS as well. One suggestion I would make is to add more information and graphics to your "story." I've already had some people comment that they liked the way I set up my story.

Re: "The Captain's Crypt of HoRRoR" Has Launched!

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 5:32 am
by sbriggman
@Davidbunn Haha! I'm sure someone on the site is 420 friendly. Cool. Would recommend adding your campaign to your forum signature so that it's easy to check out.

Re: "The Captain's Crypt of HoRRoR" Has Launched!

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 3:04 am
by Davidbunn
High Again-I'm 60 and not great with computers - how do I add my "campaign to my forum signature"? not sure what that is? Can you explain?

(I have been through 4 states in the last two days and on & off line-stuff came up on me-could use any help to pull this off. Can I be a "staff pick? maybe?)

Re: "The Captain's Crypt of HoRRoR" Has Launched!

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:45 pm
by sbriggman
We are not in any way affiliate with Kickstarter (regarding staff pick).

You need to go to User control panel (top right) and then click the profile tab.