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Do you like our campaign?

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:00 pm
by ChimpSystems

We found our way to this form from Crowd Crutch's article 21 places to promote your kickstarter campaign. We are looking for helpful feedback on our kickstarter campaign and any advice on where spread the word about it.


Chimp Systems, LLC

Re: Do you like our campaign?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:58 am
by sbriggman
Hey Caleb,

I can see the appeal if a club does a themed night or for themed private parties, but I think $35 is kind of a steep price. I would also suggest this could be a good gift item (getting it for a friend who is graduating/having a birthday/etc.), as I would be more likely to spend this amount of money if it is for another person.

Re: Do you like our campaign?

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 5:30 am
by ChimpSystems
Thanks for the quick response! I appreciate your suggestion for marketing this as a gift item. Do have any incite on how to inform potential backers to buy this as a gift?

When we began this project the projected cost was $75-80 per pair. We were barely able to bring it down to $35, there is a lot of technology and raw material cost in this product. Do you think a note in the story about our initial cost estimate would make people feel like they were getting a good deal?

Well-born to the yack

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 3:28 am
by OvenlyGlync
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