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How to create that one awesome reward

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 6:25 pm
by jdk0509
So I just launched my Kickstarter campaign and I'm starting to worry about the rewards I have created. Most campaigns have a product that they can offer, and if it's a good product, people will want it an donate just to receive the product. Our campaign, however, is an urban aquaponics farm, so we will be growing vegetables in cities in order to deliver hyper local, organic produce right to the market.

The problem is that you can't just send produce through the mail or offer it as a reward. We are offering things like 5 years of free produce, discounts on produce, t-shirts with our logo, putting backers names on the wall of our establishments, and things like that, but I'm trying to think of something that will really motivate a lot of people.

So far our most popular level is $25 which gets backers a t-shirt.

Any thoughts on how we could get creative with this?

You can check out our campaign here if you'd like:

Thanks a lot!

Re: How to create that one awesome reward

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:02 pm
by sbriggman
Forgot to mention on our call, I put together this list of reward ideas. Not sure if it will be helpful, but figured I'd share: ... ard-ideas/

Re: How to create that one awesome reward

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:06 pm
by beau
How about making the reward the paying back of the supporters donated funds? My project (not yet launched) will be so small that I'll seek only maybe $3000 funding . . . and if the project ever becomes a business and makes money I want to pay my supporters back. I don't know if this is done with Kickstarter, and even if Kickstarter allows it.

Re: How to create that one awesome reward

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:39 am
by Charliebid
I have a question that maybe the group could address. What if you have a product that may sell on the outside for over $400.

What do you do for the smaller investors, is a cap or t-shits enough. Any Ideas?

Thanks in advance

Re: How to create that one awesome reward

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 12:59 pm
by beau
I see that no one replied to my "I want to pay my supporters back. I don't know if this is done with Kickstarter, and even if Kickstarter allows it." - -
Monetary rewards and repayment of money support are indeed not permitted with Kickstarter.

Re: How to create that one awesome reward

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:15 pm
by sbriggman
Hey guys. "Monetary rewards and repayment of money support are indeed not permitted with Kickstarter." - Correct, sorry this wasn't addressed before.

For those reading, would recommend would always start from the Kickstarter guidelines when brainstorming rewards:

I had a few other reward ideas that I've written up. They are more specific to Indiegogo, but I think some will be helpful for Kickstarter projects:

@charliebid - T-shirts and memorabilia type rewards are okay, but I usually try to encourage creators to think outside the box and add as much value as possible for the amount pledged. Have included some "supporter tier" rewards in the article I linked to above.

Re: How to create that one awesome reward

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 7:15 pm
by sbriggman
Hey guys. "Monetary rewards and repayment of money support are indeed not permitted with Kickstarter." - Correct, sorry this wasn't addressed before.

For those reading, would recommend would always start from the Kickstarter guidelines when brainstorming rewards:

I had a few other reward ideas that I've written up. They are more specific to Indiegogo, but I think some will be helpful for Kickstarter projects:

@charliebid - T-shirts and memorabilia type rewards are okay, but I usually try to encourage creators to think outside the box and add as much value as possible for the amount pledged. Have included some "supporter tier" rewards in the article I linked to above.

Re: How to create that one awesome reward

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 1:04 am
by CrowdFund Genius
Fight a bull! Just saying, I would pay 5 dollars to watch you fight a bull using a Go Pro camera!

CrowdFund Genius
For more insights check us out on Facebook

Re: How to create that one awesome reward

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 2:45 pm
by andyau
I have thought that rewards that extend the backers experience of your project would be good I haven't come up with the magic idea yet but something like on going updates to product, community membership i think would be of interest to people.

Re: How to create that one awesome reward

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 4:00 pm
by sbriggman
"extend the backers experience of your project" - great way to put it.