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Ethics of asking creators to promote your project?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:31 pm
by bradAnderson

Quick question on everyone's opinion. What do you think of asking a project creator you've backed to possibly promote your project to their backers?

I'm about to launch a Product Design project focused on being eco-friendly and 'green'. Do you think it's rude/unethical/impolite to ask project creators I've backed with projects along the same lines to promote my project to their backers?

I see it as a great way to instantly attract people who are already familar with Kickstarter, and have already shown willingness to support a similar project. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to be considered a leech for asking.



Re: Ethics of asking creators to promote your project?

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:45 pm
by sbriggman
I think that you can ask them to - but I would keep in mind the principle of self-interest. What do they get out of promoting your project to their backers? How will it benefit their backers?

You could also ask the creator what they think of the idea rather than asking them directly.

"Would you be willing to promote my project to your backers?" vs. What do you think of the idea.../ Do you think your backers would like.../ What are your thoughts on..../ Looking for advice, what do you think of the idea of....

Re: Ethics of asking creators to promote your project?

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:24 pm
by beau
Good question, bradAnderson ~
I don't see any general ethical problems. You're asking for one kind of support from someone to whom you've given another kind of support ~ this is how communities succeed.
There could be some problematic specifics . . . e.g. backing big projects, which you can see have already garnered lots of funding, with very small pledges, then later using the pledge as a lever to get support. I think thiat would be such an obvious ploy as to be self-defeating; and in the process it would waste people's time, not good.
Looking forward to others' views on this.

Re: Ethics of asking creators to promote your project?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 2:02 pm
by drlouisechughes
I would also ask the question, what would the creators get out of it? I have promoted other's projects in the past but had very little reciprocation and have since declined to promote to my backers. i will promote on Twitter if I think the project is a good one, however.

Re: Ethics of asking creators to promote your project?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:39 pm
by sbriggman
@drlouisechughes - Congrats on your second successfully funded project!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

I should make a new badge "Kickstarter Rockstar" haha.

Re: Ethics of asking creators to promote your project?

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 8:09 am
by drlouisechughes
@sbriggman - Thank you. :) I need to write a post about the things I did that worked and helped to drive traffic to the site.

Re: Ethics of asking creators to promote your project?

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 5:07 pm
by sbriggman
Definitely! If you'd like to do a guest post on CrowdCrux, you're more than welcome.