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Listing Fund breakdowns and charities?

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 9:13 pm
by bradAnderson

I was wondering what everyones take on listing a semi-detailed breakdown of where the project funds would go, barring a successful campaign. Here's how I plan to detail it for my project with a goal of $7500:

About 12% automatically gets deducted -

•= 5% for Kickstarter
•≈ 4% for Amazon Payments
•≈ 3% for BackerKit services

About 88% remains for actual dispersion [now budgeted at $6600 USD] -

•≈ 55% for machinery necessary to facilitate professional production
•≈ 20% for materials and domestic postage
•≈ 15% for manpower/profit
•≈ 10% for startup, legal and prototyping

Of the 15% manpower/profit -

•9% for manpower
•5% for Kicking it Forward
•1% for One Percent For The Planet

Do you think I'm giving away too much information? I'm sure a backer would like to see the how the funds are being used, but not sure about a profit or charity donation being listed. On that note, I know Kickstarter has rules against raising funds for charities, but is donating a small part of the personal "profit" going to get flagged?


Re: Listing Fund breakdowns and charities?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 2:59 pm
by BitofaGeek
I think you're giving exactly the right amount of detail there. People need to know where their money is going. Good work!

Re: Listing Fund breakdowns and charities?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 7:30 pm
by sbriggman
"Creators cannot promise to donate a portion of funds raised or future revenue to a cause."

Re: Listing Fund breakdowns and charities?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:10 pm
by bradAnderson

Thanks for that, I guess I'll keep that to myself or just not apply it to my campaign at all. Kind of a bummer they don't allow it, c'est la vie. Wouldn't 'KickingItForward' almost be considered a charity? Since you're 'donating' back to other projects?


Re: Listing Fund breakdowns and charities?

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:39 pm
by sbriggman
Yes, I think KickingItForward would fall into that category. Kickstarter is also kind of cracking down on that initiative - discouraging users from including the badge/link in their campaign profile because it could confuse backers.