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For projects on other crowdfund platforms

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:32 pm
by Ody
Personally, I think you guys should have more crowdfunding sites like this but for other platforms. Why not set one site up that encompasses all crowdfunding platforms?

Have you heard of Patreon? I believe you guys should check it out, it's great for subscription-based projects



Re: For projects on other crowdfund platforms

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:49 pm
by sbriggman
Hey Ody - Our friends run :) - we did a joint ebook with them also! I would recommend checking them out for a fuller array of crowdfunding projects/platforms.

What's your experience with Patreon so far? Why did you choose it over other platforms?

Re: For projects on other crowdfund platforms

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:59 pm
by Ody
sbriggman wrote:Hey Ody - Our friends run :) - we did a joint ebook with them also! I would recommend checking them out for a fuller array of crowdfunding projects/platforms.

What's your experience with Patreon so far? Why did you choose it over other platforms?

I chose it because my project is not just a one-time large project, but a small, ongoing, constantly evolving one. Thus, I needed a subscription-based model rather than a one-time massive donation. I also intend for it to be my job and I can't do that if I'm working with a limited pool of funds.

Re: For projects on other crowdfund platforms

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:39 am
by Lulu Lin
Wow! I've never heard of Patreon before. Are you finding a lot of success on that site?

Re: For projects on other crowdfund platforms

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:23 am
by Ody
Lulu Lin wrote:Wow! I've never heard of Patreon before. Are you finding a lot of success on that site?

Yeah Patreon is really cool! It's ideal for people like us that want to basically have crowdfunded jobs. Chris Pirillo, and more are all established personalities that use Patreon as their primary/sole source of income.

I've been involved with one other Patreon that was successful before moving onto my current, personal project. Thus far I've seen slow, but existent progress.

Re: For projects on other crowdfund platforms

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:19 pm
by sbriggman
You inspired me to write a blog post on this :)

Let me know if you think there are any other big differences via comment on the article.

Re: For projects on other crowdfund platforms

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:28 pm
by Ody
That's great! On behalf of all of us Patreon creators, we thank for you helping spread the Patreon word!

Re: For projects on other crowdfund platforms

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 2:01 am
by InfiniteHorizonsUly
I get updates from an artist called Chris Oatley and he had the Patreon founder as a guest on Chris' podcast.

The model sounded great, but more focused on steady content providers. I believe crowdfunding is leading us down a path of micro-patrons as a new form of patronage of the arts.

Patreon would be difficult for someone like me--an artist with a small body of work and slow production time. I would have to cultivate a large tribe of micro-patrons to be able to survive. But this is my mission and I believe with a few years of focused marketing I will be able to find my group of supportive micro-patrons.

If I made s web-comic, or funny videos--Patreon would be perfect. I think as time goes on, more niche sights will soon evolve as crowdfunding goes mainstream.