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Kickstarter Cross Promotion

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 9:03 pm
by rorabaughdesigns
Looking at many, many projects on Kickstarter, I discovered that some of the highly funded projects did "cross promotion." You would see this usually in an update where they give an update and then a casual mention of projects they like. I'm sure this is very valuable in getting more traffic and backers to a project.

For instance
mentioned Snooperscope and they did the same

Has anyone tried this? How did you do it? Did you contact them thru "contact me" on their KS project or outside the project?
Anyone interested in doing this?

Re: Kickstarter Cross Promotion

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:20 pm
by sbriggman
Would recommend checking out this post regarding cross promotion (in brief: it can work, but always try to deliver value for your backers, meaning related projects, not random ones). ... ckstarter/

Re: Kickstarter Cross Promotion

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:21 pm
by sbriggman
Also, be sure to look at the comments on the post. One creator's project got suspended for messaging other creators on the platform.

Re: Kickstarter Cross Promotion

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:29 pm
by rorabaughdesigns
do you mean messaging thru the comments?

Re: Kickstarter Cross Promotion

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:30 pm
by Wee-Glo
I actually did that on my last project. It really did help us and the other project. I would be interested in cross promoting with others. This is a link to my project page. Let me know.
Also we did this using a posated update we simply included information regarding the other project. We each wrote our own text and sent the image we wanted used. The image was also linked to the project page.

Re: Kickstarter Cross Promotion

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:53 pm
by rorabaughdesigns
I would only be interested in cross promoting projects that would have a similar interest to my backers. Lots of backers love pens, cards or gadgets. I look to see what they have backed before and that gives me an idea if they would back another project - same for someone I would cross promote with. I don't do it randomly and certainly won't do it thru the KS platform although I haven't read anything in the guidelines about this. Anyone out there like to shed some light on this if you've done cross promoting?

Re: Kickstarter Cross Promotion

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 2:42 am
by InfiniteHorizonsUly
I love watching the evolution of crowdfunding! Things ate changing and......evolving! weekly, it seems to me...

In September KS was a faint blip on the radar of my zeitgeist monitor, truth be told I spent my free time in various subreddits of my interests. With almost half a billion pledged in 2013 and wildly reported on in the mainstream media, I think 2014 will see Big Business try to use KS and other crowdfunding platforms as a free test market and completely disregard the community aspect of our pocket universe.

Sal, it seems like the comment or on crowdcrux maybe spammed several creators and one of them probably forwarded the pitch to the KS admins. I know somewhere KS states clearly that this is a no no and even suggests not spamming your friends and fam on Facebook...