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next phase

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 9:03 pm
by barnabyhazen
okay, everything is going roughly the way of the predictions I see here and most everywhere else. I have gone to all of my social network, been right outside of my comfort zone the whole first week asking for help and gotten more than I expected. I feel the dryness of that same network. I've traded pledges, I've put up a press release on the site neighboring this one, offered a guest article to go up shortly, and I even got a friend of mine in England to tweet me out to his 8000 or so followers.

I'm at about 15%, and feeling that drop in activity predicted after first week. Do I keep doing what I'm doing, just lay off of my own social network a little, or do I change angles somehow, maybe employ someone else's social network, if so how? People have been putting their pledge's up to show their own people as well by the by.

Any thoughts from veterans I would appreciate, or any thoughts at all, thanks, Barnaby

Re: next phase

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 9:52 pm
by sbriggman
Hi Barnaby. The truth is that what is effective for campaigning varies. For some, social media works well. For others, blogger outreach. If I were you, I would try out as many angles as possible.

Info on email marketing: ... ur-emails/
Helpful interview that might give you ideas: ... f-capital/

Re: next phase

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:30 am
by barnabyhazen
ok, thanks Sal, I'll check it out.

Re: next phase

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:29 am
by InfiniteHorizonsUly
Don't give up.
You are the Roman Republic after Cannae every day your project is not in the green.

Please add a link to your live campaign like I did below this post. Have you added a thread to Do you have a reddit account? Do you have a Twitter account that is just for your project?
Even in this post you could have offered a link.

During the duration of your campaign you are condensing the marketing energy most small business expel over one year. So they have those huge tent used car sales in your city? If they do then I am sure you know when one starts. You have to be the pop song that is stuck in people's head all day long. You sometimes have to ride the line where someone thinks," alright! Enough already! I will pledge if it just means you will shut up about it!"

This is like a fire sale.

Create urgency.

Re: next phase

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:42 am
by barnabyhazen
thanks yes. let's see: reddit, check. snoopcrowd, check. twitter, check but that's hard to get followers so any advise there. I also have my link planted in a whole bunch of those little hangouts or something on google? many crowdfunding post rooms there.

I very much appreciate the pep talk. I will return to the hustle presently, oh and by the way, have you seen this cool new project up on kickstarted?: ... rt-stories

while you're at it, help this one out to the stretch goals: ... f=category

Re: next phase

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:09 am
by InfiniteHorizonsUly
take this with a grain of salt. This Twitter tip is not for the prideful, nor those with shame.

I am a retail salesperson. I am scum on the bottom of your show when you leave the public toilet--that is how 20% of the people I talk to on the showroom floor treat me--so I have left shame behind me.

Follow Farming.

Find 10 people in your field. Click on their followers list and start a follow bomb.

After a week your followers will quadruple.

Proceed with caution.

Re: next phase

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:58 am
by barnabyhazen
the funny part of my story is that I typed in the word farming as a search. then I realized you must be giving us the formula for something called, "follow farming."

got it. what do you typically write in such a process, I think I've seen it -- just something like "I follow back" -- ?

Re: next phase

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:57 pm
by InfiniteHorizonsUly
No, it is just a conditioned response of about 20% of people you follow. Yes, some twitter celebs (I hated typing that) will announce a follow party and some will put in the blurb that if you follow them they will follow you back.

But what happens is when you get followers it shows up on your dashboard. If 3 people follow you, 3 tiny avatars show up.

Sales and marketing is all about the phychology of human behavior. In this new venture you have undertaken, it is good to at least get one good sales book. Also, the freakanomics podcast is an awesome resource.

Anyway, every time I get new followers I take a look at who they are. If they are interesting I follow them back.
The above is the simple reason why follow farming works.

Re: next phase

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:09 am
by barnabyhazen
I definitely see the opportunity to fall down a rabbit hole on that twitter thing. I too am starting to unfollow and look for interesting characteristics, rather than sticking with folks who post hateful words obviously meant for someone in particular, yet they're more than happy to toss those words all over the social stratosphere. Curiouser and curiouser - ... rt-stories

Re: next phase

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 7:18 pm
by sbriggman
"twitter, check but that's hard to get followers so any advise there." - see: ... g-twitter/

Yes, just be careful with how many accounts you follow per day or may be flagged as being against TOS. Keep it under 25 in my opinion. Also, engage with the accounts and retweet info you like. :)