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Enventys and Jellop

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2022 2:57 am
by lilily
I'm about to launch my project on kickstarter pretty soon. in about 2 weeks.
I found people use jellop and enventys, so i did some research and found jellop doesn't do pre-launch marketing.
So i decided to devide my budget($10k) into two, ​5k to prelaunch marketing and another one to live marketing.
Do you think it's a good idea? wy question is which part of the marketing usually costs more?
Should i spend more on the one than the other? Please help!! :arrow:

Re: Enventys and Jellop

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 12:23 pm
by Basheir
Hi there, from my research you will end up sending more during the launch. In prelaunch you will mainly test and build up interest. These two providers are quite pricy but I would still get in touch with them to see if you can work out a deal where they take a cut of the funds raised (I believe they sometime do that if they like your idea) rather than taking a fee. This way you can use your 10k for ads on FB