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Turning promises into pledges

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:47 pm
by evamoon
Well, I've launched my campaign and after a flurry of pledges the first day it's tapered off a lot. A lot of people have told me they'll pledge, but they haven't. I don't want to nag them but I don't want them to just keep putting it off until it's too late either. I know some may have said they'll pledge even though they don't intend to, but I also know that many actually DO intend to.

How can I push the promisers over the pledge edge without actively annoying them?

Here is a link to my campaign. Let me know if you see anything I could do to improve conversion. ... -genes-dvd

Thank you!

Eva Moon ... -genes-dvd

Re: Turning promises into pledges

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 8:39 pm
by sbriggman
Hi Eva,

Good question. I wrote an article on a similar topic that might be helpful (convincing people to pledge) ... -campaign/

It depends on your relationship with these people. For me, I would definitely push them in the nicest way possible and maybe even invite them to a facebook event at your house (party) and say it's a fundraiser for your campaign.

You could also try giving them a deadline or use early-bird specials.

Re: Turning promises into pledges

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 9:07 pm
by evamoon
Thanks - great article and some good ideas which I will try out as I move forward. I haven't gotten any objections to anything about my campaign. The video is already in the can - the campaign is for editing and production of the DVD - and people in my social network know I'm determined and generally accomplish what I set out to do.

My problem is a lot "squishier" than overcoming objections. It's people who say "I love it and I'm going to support it" and then don't get around to actually clicking the button. But I like the idea of an early-bird special. I'm trying to think of something that will be tempting. Ideas?