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Have any of you used Yanko Design to advertise your campaign

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:25 am
by philipks
I am considering using them. They have a website and a pretty good social media presence. I think they may be good for product design. I wonder if any of you have used them. If you did, how was your experience? Thank you

Re: Have any of you used Yanko Design to advertise your campaign

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:26 pm
by hyperstarter
We used to be able to get campaigns listed on Yanko, however until recently they seem to want to be paid to get a feature (understandable).

My suggestion is to do your research - did your competitors get featured on there?

The value of being on Yanko is certainly the traffic, but also being able to get a valuable backlink and use their logo on your campaign page and press materials too!

Re: Have any of you used Yanko Design to advertise your campaign

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 12:30 pm
by simonlyons
I've started working with them yesterday and so far they've sent just over 100 people to the campaign page via their article.

This doesn't seem like a lot but has lead to 4 tracked pledges to date at around £200. That said we received around £1000 in pledges over the last 24 hours when in the previous 24 we'd received next to nothing. So the actual amount might be higher than this. I should say we did one other outreach during this time however which might have muddied the waters a bit as to which promotion lead to which un-tracked pledges...

It remains to be seen what our overall ROI is over the next few days.

The answer is it's going to depend a lot on your campaign, how well your campaign page converts, and how good a match your product is to Yanko Design's audience.

Re: Have any of you used Yanko Design to advertise your campaign

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 5:01 am
by StevenYAvis
Yanko Design worked great for us. I guess it is very depend on project.

Re: Have any of you used Yanko Design to advertise your campaign

Posted: Wed May 13, 2020 11:31 am
by Ada_Wong
Nope. I haven't. However, I know that it is one of the best website interfaces that is. The interface is one of the best things that improve customer visits to the site. Actually, when I tried to add some SEO specialists for my website, the result was really big. There are a lot of specialists that might help ya, but it's important to use trusted, verified, and not cheap services since the result will be instantaneous. I remember how I took seomarketingtech a service with pros that improved my website not expensive but in my opinion pretty quick. They still help me and I guess I would work with them for the long term.

Re: Have any of you used Yanko Design to advertise your campaign

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 5:36 am
by faw2019
No. But I think that it is good and I want to know if you find others, please.

Re: Have any of you used Yanko Design to advertise your campaign

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 8:46 pm
by TwoforTwo
as for me it's better to use SEO strategies instead of marketing campaigns

Re: Have any of you used Yanko Design to advertise your campaign

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 9:39 pm
by MrOsborne
I've used Yanko Deisgn for advertising but it didn't turn out so well they have some basic designs, and because of that your site could get a lower rank since there’s much competition on the online market. It’s hard in the 21st century to keep up with the demand of the clients, for sure you can do it if you have much experience in this field, or you have an organization by your side. I am an entrepreneur and I have my website, it was made by a newbie guy in web design, and I didn’t like it, as well the rank of the site was low and once I had a good budget for the online promotion I took the decision to buy the services of one of the top SEO worldwide, which was seo agency malaysia who made a decent design, and boosted my site on the top in searches on google.

Re: Have any of you used Yanko Design to advertise your campaign

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 9:43 pm
by LeslieBShaw
Same for me, their design wasn't the best, so I tried another company

Re: Have any of you used Yanko Design to advertise your campaign

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 1:19 am
by Rougdab
I didn’t. Every time I need any help in advertising my campaigns I ask for help from WebsiteStrategies. They have the best seo specialists and I have a lot of trust in them. They never failed in pleasing me. I like that they are professionals that are also responsible and well mannered. When I ask them to do something that always ends great. I recommend it to all my friends that own a business.