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Are Kickstarter campaign ranking services any good?

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 12:13 am
by amebastuff
Hi everyone

I am in the middle of my campaign and looking for ways to give it a boost.

Do companies that claim they can push your project ranking actually work?

Any one out there know if such services like thegogofactor are any good?

Its amazing if they can alter the ranking algorithm of kickstarter.

Love to hear your views and advise.



Re: Are Kickstarter campaign ranking services any good?

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 11:09 am
by Vilius
Hi Ming,

I've just checked your campaign and I see it's 100% funded. Congrats with that!

Here are some tips from me for those who want to raise up to $10k for their first campaign:

I would recommend to ignore all offers that help you push your project ranking. Or if you are really curious to do that, ask for at least 5 recommendations of creators who succeeded with that. Contact those creators and ask for their experience. I've interviewed many project creators and in 80% of cases they were able to make a better job than the agency they've hired.

If you decide to go with someone who promises a push with your project ranking, please share your results (whether they are positive or negative) here, so other creators would be aware. Thanks!


Re: Are Kickstarter campaign ranking services any good?

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 12:07 pm
by amebastuff
Hi Vilius

Thanks for the great advise... yes your suggestion to get feedback from 5 creations makes absolute sense.

I would go for your recommendation to ignore those offers which sound too good to be true anyway.

I have read your tips and subscribed for a free chapter of your book.



Re: Are Kickstarter campaign ranking services any good?

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 2:51 pm
by Odysseus
I would also love to hear about your experience if you use any of these services. One week into my campaign and also looking for ways to boost it :) Thanks in advance and I will also post in case I use any of them!


Re: Are Kickstarter campaign ranking services any good?

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2019 7:49 pm
by nomlinz
Firstly, congratulations on your campaign!

Reaching that mid-campaign slump is always tough for campaigners. It's tough to get a boost in rankings with third parties, especially since they won't be targeted towards your audience in particular.

Here are three additional methods to get a boost from your campaign:
1. run a referral campaign to your backers. Promoting this to existing backers brings traffic back to your page and gets people who are already invested in your project to refer their friends. Word-of-mouth referral is still one of the strongest marketing tactics out there so this will help to get your backers' friends to potentially come support your campaign.
2. outreach to other live campaigns for a cross promotion. Everyone is looking for additional traffic and eyes to their campaign. Outreach to these other creators and offer mutual shoutouts. Be sure to curate campaigns so that it will be somewhat relevant to what your backers want to see. This is a win all around since your backers will also be exposed to new campaigns they might like!
3. send your existing backers a survey of potential new add-ons you can include (digital options are easiest for you as the creator to fulfill at the end of the campaign) or stretch goals that you can release. Get their input so that they'll be more excited to come back and support you if it means an increase in pledges or sending out information to their social media.

Hope this helps!