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Best Way to Kickoff Press Release

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 7:20 am
by AlexRendon
Anyone familiar with most common way to go about getting out your press release?

How much do you allocate for these press releases? Is working with the top 3 worth the reach?

Thank you, thank you!

Re: Best Way to Kickoff Press Release

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 1:35 pm
by hyperstarter
A couple of ways.

- Add it to your pitches. So this could be a direct link in your emails to your Press Release (Or Press Kit ideally, which would contain images, videos etc., too).
- Use a service like (Owned by Sal on this forum)
- Use other services, my preference is

Your press release could be added to a Google Drive, Dropbox or a website /press page (this is best).

If you're using a service, note that your Press Release blast will be like a need to hit it at the right time (physical time and also events type time too), in order for it to get picked up by relevant parties.

Your press release should explain what you're doing and show off something interesting.


"Guy launches a Campaign based on a Dream of Donald Trump & Overfunded by 1000%" is something Press Release worthy...

"World's Best Pants launches on Kickstarter" isn't Press Release worthy...

Re: Best Way to Kickoff Press Release

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 5:10 pm
by Vanessa
One great way to spread the word about your campaign is to get quality media list and pitch your press release to targeted industry related journalists and editors. Keep in mind that editors like to print success stories, so to ensure that your press release is accepted and published make every effort possible to secure high amount of funding, at least 30%, in the first week. ... et-it.html