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Anyone else notice an increase in pledge cancellations?

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 3:01 am
by ohbugi
We've launched a somewhat short campaign to be able to ensure delivery in 2018 and over the weekend we noticed a trend of backers cancelling their pledges. Which led me to believe that something was off in our campaign page but i cant seem to find anything? I tried to personally reach out to those backers and only a few replied saying that its the holidays and money is tight.

Has anyone with a live campaign in december experienced this? I'd love to get your input on our campaign page and whether there's anything we can do to improve it. Thanks!

Re: Anyone else notice an increase in pledge cancellations?

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 8:53 am
by hyperstarter
It happens...but did you use a "backer" type service as that might explain it.

In terms of the campaign page, you should focus your time on the early birds - perhaps move the early bird image to the top of the page and explain the discounts. Look to the people who have supported you and ask them for a "push" with your link added.

If we can help further, feel free to get in touch.