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Is cross promotion with other campaigns a usefull thing?

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:44 am
by montel
Hi guys,

Not a long time ago I have launched my first kickstarter campaign -
Not sure if first days are good. My email list is opening letters slower than I expected and start isn't as good as I wanted. Is there any other really useful ways to show yourself to the world?
It looks like I've read a lot of topics, tips and articles, used some of them, but I don't think that first days of my launched campaign are going really well :?

Re: Is cross promotion with other campaigns a usefull thing?

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:21 pm
by hyperstarter
Not sure, if you're expecting comments - so I'll give them anyway having worked on the overfunded NOSO journal and Sketchynotebook...

At first glance the images on the page look a bit too neat, looks a bit photoshopped and might put others off if they think your note book isn't real or not.

The top titles of Why is it... + Examples don't explain what it is you're doing. Sure, the notes underneath do, but they're long and you've big blocks of text which are unreadable.

Other than being made of wood (you should list the benefits, if it's recycled etc.,, heavy and so on) + the phone app connection, what else can it do - if you can list the features better, also mention on the page where you've been featured already and perhaps some background on yourself (If you've won any design awards etc.,)...this will help build up trust issues.

Hope this helps and if you need any further advice, feel free to get in touch.

Re: Is cross promotion with other campaigns a usefull thing?

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 12:03 am
by RFIDsecur

Few observations:

There are a number of grammatical/ typo’s in the pitch for example “An average person receives around 65 notifications a day followed by a plenty of social network messages. ”

There is nothing about you the creator/s in the pitch or the video?, people buy people and you are conspicuous by your absence.
Personally you should have lost the voice over on the video (which sounds ike a JML product pitch) and done it yourself. Perhaps you’re reluctant as English isn’t your natural language but knowing something of the people of Lithuania i am sure you would be fine!

Thirdly I think your rewards levels have screwed you. You have too many super early birds to fill, it makes no sense really to pledge at higher tiers, which limits your earning potential. The €100 pledge doesn’t have the custom design option the €55 pledge does, which makes €45 for walnut a big ask..

Re: Is cross promotion with other campaigns a usefull thing?

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 10:52 am
by montel
Thank you for your comments, we really appreciate that. We will try to update our campaign and make it better in some ways. More comments and advices are welcome! Thanks!

Re: Is cross promotion with other campaigns a usefull thing?

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 10:57 pm
by hyperstarter
Sure, if you want to use our service (, I can offer some additional advice on what you should be doing to promote the campaign better & outreach.

Re: Is cross promotion with other campaigns a usefull thing?

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 3:24 am
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the Kickstarter and Crowdfunding Questions Only (Strict) section.

Re: Is cross promotion with other campaigns a usefull thing?

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 3:47 am
by abrolly
We have been trying cross-promotion with a few other projects so far, and we think its effect is kind of limited - partly probably because most people are trying put too many cross-promotion projects in the same update, in our opinion.

Still, it might be that we haven't found the right partners. We are still testing it out and hope for the best.

Re: Is cross promotion with other campaigns a usefull thing?

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 2:10 pm
by angelinajoseph
Don't worry Slowly your post will get popularity. The thing you need to do is to participate actively in the campaigns.

Re: Is cross promotion with other campaigns a usefull thing?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 12:36 am
by Cardshark
This thread is a bit old, but do you know of a cross promotion "matchmaking" site or service? I'm launching an EDC/multitool soon, a category that is very popular, but I'm having trouble contacting campaigners without being too spammy. Thanks!

Re: Is cross promotion with other campaigns a usefull thing?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 4:10 pm
by nomlinz
You should contact campaigners after you launch. From their perspective, they'll want their project promoted to a bunch of backers, not to a campaign with only 2 people supporting it that might or might not succeed. By blowing your project out of the water right at the beginning, getting hundreds or thousands of backers when you launch, you'll be setting yourself up for some real success:
1. campaigners will want to cross-promote with you because you'll have a ton of fans (more eyes for their project)
2. people in the cross-promo who come to YOUR campaign will be impressed by your campaign and more likely to back your project (social proof)

Best of luck!