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Best way to leverage "Proejct We Love" badge?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 3:15 am
by rodolfomartinez
Hi, I am failry new to KS - I successfully funded my project with literally 30 minutes left. It was the most stressful/fulfilling/worst paid by the hour task of my life - and I am back for more :-)

I launched my second project and within 3 days I got the "Projects We Love" badge. It was very flaterring, but I have really lost some steam. I have about 21 days to raise an additional ~$4,900 US (we are at 25%) and I really want to make this work.

My project is a comic book project which you can view here:

If the community has any insights, I am all ears :-)


Re: Best way to leverage "Proejct We Love" badge?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 11:04 am
by hyperstarter
The link doesn't work btw + place it in your signature.

My thinking would be to plaster the Projects We Love badge at the top, put it in your social media messages and in your pitches too.