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What marketing strategies have you found to be effective?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:27 pm
by sbriggman
Hey everyone,

I would appreciate if you could take a second to tell us what marketing or promotion strategies you have found to be effective for attracting pledges to your campaign. Thanks!


Re: What marketing strategies have you found to be effective

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:31 pm
by Joy Ornaments
I have built a great following on facebook. Most of my page likes are from people in my target market, but I can't get them to pledge on the kickstarter. Thanks for posting this thread I look forward to some responses!

Re: What marketing strategies have you found to be effective

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 1:50 pm
by BikerKarl
Joy, Anything in particular that was effective in building this audience of Facebook? Contests or events?


Re: What marketing strategies have you found to be effective

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 5:28 am
by ardenroberts
Man honestly every time I run a kickstarter project I usually by a crowdsource marketing bundle over at which drives the traffic I need to get my funding ;)

Re: What marketing strategies have you found to be effective

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:35 pm
by laurencohen
Thanks for initiating this thread. Ardenroberts, is there a package that you recommend most? Is the basic sufficient? We are obviously trying to keep our costs down but we want to be successful as well.
Anyone have experience with this marketing bundle?

When you have a chance, please check out our link and feel free to offer any suggestions.... we seem to have hit a stand still. ... orin-cohen


Re: What marketing strategies have you found to be effective

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:56 pm
by sbriggman
@ardenroberts - What kickstarter campaigns have you run? Do you work with Platinum Metrics?

Re: What marketing strategies have you found to be effective

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:21 pm
by fvreeman
I can tell you what is not effective. Just putting it on Kickstarter and figuring that people will find it. In the last six campaigns we worked with we only saw one that successfully funded that way (infinity bicycle seat) . Our other ones were either successful due to marketing or they failed due to no marketing. A good idea, good price, and kickstarter is not enough unless, like Infinity, you have something that all of the kickstarter geeks like me really like.

Here is what made several campaigns we worked on successful: a good website, initial and continuing SEO, contact at least 50 blogs personally, send out a nice flyer before the launch, networking to get re-posts of the product campaign on facebook, google+, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter, and our linkedin profile, answering comments regularly, and asking backers to re-post to their networks.

Re: What marketing strategies have you found to be effective

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 3:21 am
by alexpuru
I just recently found a fashion start-up out of Southern California called SWAV under apparel. They are in the midst of their KickStarter campaign but have found a different way to market their I had never heard of SWAV and actually first heard the playlist thru a friend who really liked it (found here: The playlist was really cool (24,000+ plays), which in turn lead me to the KS page. I thought this was a really cool way to market their product, especially since I had no awareness of the company or what they did before. Hope it helps!

Re: What marketing strategies have you found to be effective

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 1:12 pm
by Mike
Hey guys!

We've started our Kickstarter campaign and it seems to be interesting to backers. We have stable growth of 7-9% a day and we're moving towards 250% of our goal even without success in contacting top-industry blogs.

Today I've stumbled upon on that service:
Have anyone of you used it? Are they legitimate? Could we trust them?



Re: What marketing strategies have you found to be effective

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 6:21 pm
by sbriggman
Hi Mike. There was a conversation on the CrowdFundingForum about them. If my memory serves, no one had used them and they were pretty new at the time. This was maybe two months ago. "I recently used fundzinger to launch a campaign. Some points to note:

1) fundzinger will send you a questionnaire to fill out regarding your campaign
2) they will then use this info to draft what they call a carefully worded email to reporters describing your campaign

What they really do is use the info from the questionnaire in an article spinner or give it to overseas writers to draft an email. The email is at best poorly constructed using your own sentences and is at worst poorly constructed using your own sentences with spelling mistakes and typos. Nothing more. No magic, no special insight, no skill.

They do not give you the list of reporters they email. You have no idea who they are targeting.

For the money that you spend on fundzinger it would be far better to hire assistants through elance or odesk to create a list of targeted reporters that would be interested in your product. You can then draft your own six sentence email. You are in the best position to write this email as you know your product and market best.

In my emails to fundzinger regarding my campaign, there were several times they did not get back to me for several days, critical time wasted during the launch of a campaign.

Fundzinger is a weak service and professional. It is best to do it yourself.

I hope this helps those who read it. Thanks."

See more here (it's two pages) ... ad9fe65f90