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Basic Startup Questions

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 5:59 pm
by Bruce
I am looking for a place to get some basic start-up questions answered.
I hope this is the place.
I have carefully read the Crowdfunding Bible
and every informational link for Creators that I can find on Kickstarter.
Also other crowdfunding forums and have looked at
lots of Kickstarter projects -
so I feel I have pretty much done my homework.

However, I am 80 and not a young whippersnapper so I may be slow about something.
The specific questions that I have at this moment are:

What things can one change after they launch?
The Video?
The project web page?
Like pictures on the project web page?
The awards?
Surely not the goal - or the project end date?

I haven't activated my project -
but I see indications that I need to put in a phone number -
and ID -
which I haven't found where to put in yet,
but the next step that comes up is activation -
and I don't have the video and all ready yet.

There doesn't seem to be any way to actually reach anyone -
to ask pertinent questions -
such as are my awards suitable and according to Kickstarter rules.
I don't want to violate a rule.

I want to also make sure my bank account is okay.
I think I was asked the account name - but not the account number.
Just lots of things I haven't found the answer to -
such how I get participants addresses so I know where to send awards.

And mainly, at this moment I don't see how to make up the webpage.
I can do html programming -
but I don't see where to submit it.
Surely not just by filling in those boxes.

Sorry for being such a dummy.

Hope you can help on all this.

Peace and love,

Re: Basic Startup Questions

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:15 pm
by sbriggman
Hi Bruce,

I can help answer a few of the questions and maybe some others that come to the forum can help with your other questions.

"And mainly, at this moment I don't see how to make up the webpage."

If you are referring to the Kickstarter campaign page for your project, after filling in those boxes and the information, Kickstarter will create it for you.

"want to also make sure my bank account is okay. such how I get participants addresses so I know where to send awards."

If you are using Kickstarter, you will link your amazon account with Kickstarter for payments. You can get participants addresses if you are successfully funded with Kickstarter surveys.

"There doesn't seem to be any way to actually reach anyone -
to ask pertinent questions -
such as are my awards suitable and according to Kickstarter rules.
I don't want to violate a rule. "

You just need to submit a project and Kickstarter will approve it or not approve it. There isn't really a place to see if your work-in-progress that hasn't launched yet is or is not violating the rules. Just follow them to the best of your ability.

Re: Basic Startup Questions

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:05 am
by Bruce
Amazon doesn't apply here.
I guess I should have mentioned that I am in Canada.
Kickstarter opened here on September 9th with a Canadian office and system.

Yep, as I indicated - I was concerned that one was limited
to filling in the boxes as far as formatting the web page is concerned.
Someone must be taking the info and then doing the formatting
and one is dependent upon them.

People do get lists of the participants, you are correct,
but nothing yet here to indicate how that comes to them.

No one else is complaining, so it must just be me -
that I come from almost a century ago -
when there was more personal interface rather than just talking to a machine.

Others chastise me that I haven't read the directions carefully enough -
but they must be written for people who understand modern media better than I do.

Peace and love,