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Dealing with Spam? (would like feedback)

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:25 pm
by sbriggman
Thinking that we might install mandatory Facebook logins to help combat some of the spam posts that have been surging in the past few months. I've had Cristina help out with the spam since then due to it's aggressive nature.

Thoughts? You can also click the "spam" button on any posts that you see that haven't already been flagged.

At the end of the day, trying to keep this community value's high for everyone, whether that's to learn, contribute, or share your project.


Re: Dealing with Spam? (would like feedback)

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 5:00 am
by mariorosa
Just taking an educated guess here, but are you running Joomla with phpBB? If so, and you're getting hit by spambots, maybe something like ... m_protect/ might help? Or (might be an older one though, but supposedly works for human spam too).

Anyway, good luck! Spam is a pain in the butt for anyone running a forum.

Re: Dealing with Spam? (would like feedback)

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 9:46 pm
by sbriggman
Thanks for the thoughts!