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Could you be a highly sensitive person (HSP)?

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:30 pm
by Ildiko Davis
I have a feeling, that high percentage of people, who tend to fund crowd-funding projects, are highly sensitive people (HSP),

You may have heard others saying that you are 'over-sensitive' or 'too particular' throughout your life. And probably have been baffled: why is it that you find yourself affected by things that others seem able to ignore? (Noise, smells, emotions, moods, others sufferings, even scratchy clothes labels...)

The reason is not well known by the public, but the concept of innate high sensitivity (or as scientifically known: sensory processing sensitivity) is one of those research findings that can truly transform people life. As a counsellor, I have experienced first hand the transformative power that information about high sensitivity can have for people. This is why I was excited to back a project that aims finally to raise public awareness about this research, to help all sensitive people around the world: ... told-story

There is a free online test at , if you have a sense that you may be highly sensitive yourself and want to find out more about this. I would also welcome to hear about whether this is something you can relate to?

Thank you.

Re: Could you be a highly sensitive person (HSP)?

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:00 pm
by dylanmad
I may have a look at that.

I do know through a 23andme genetic test that one of my genetic markers is associated with lower-than-average pain tolerance, but I don't believe that's the same thing.

Re: Could you be a highly sensitive person (HSP)?

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 1:12 pm
by Ildiko Davis
dylanmad wrote:I may have a look at that.

I do know through a 23andme genetic test that one of my genetic markers is associated with lower-than-average pain tolerance, but I don't believe that's the same thing.

Hi Dylan,

Highly sensitive people tend to have lower than usual pain threshold (ie. we notice very small pain sensations sooner than the majority of people). The interesting thing is that because we are often told by the majority to ignore our subtle observations - some HSPs actually develop higher tolerance to pain, as they simply learn to not to make a fuss about it. There is an interesting article about this at: , which also has some tips about ways of coping with pain without medication.

So, you may be right and it's not to do with High Sensitivity that you have low pain tolerance, Checking out the self test could indicate to you, whether this is relevant to you or not and help you deciding whether looking into this further could be useful.

Best wishes,

Re: Could you be a highly sensitive person (HSP)?

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 6:17 pm
by onthewaterlifestyle
Yes, highly sensitive person.

Re: Could you be a highly sensitive person (HSP)?

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 7:58 pm
by Ildiko Davis
Good to hear that you know about it :) You may be happy to hear that the documentary film about high sensitivity has been successfully funded ( ... told-story). I can't wait to see it for myself and see also the ripples it will create in the world :)

Re: Could you be a highly sensitive person (HSP)?

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:41 am
by jdbelsterling
Very interesting post. hadnt really thought about this much, but definitely going to check out the resources you posted! thanks for sharing

Re: Could you be a highly sensitive person (HSP)?

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:54 am
by Ildiko Davis
Glad to hear that it sparked your interest :) Hope you may find something quite illuminating and useful about all this.