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My Cat Ganked Your Honor Student: A Nerd's Tale

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 10:23 pm
by MackyMack
I'm not an online gamer...I'm not particularly fond of cats...I don't know the author in real life (I've never even been to Ohio), but I'm asking everybody to "pretty please" make a pledge so that Meg "Roxi" O'Connell will be able to write her book. This woman is hilarious! Her writing style engages me enough that I know I'll enjoy reading her book even if it's about stuff I don't like.

Re: My Cat Ganked Your Honor Student: A Nerd's Tale

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:56 pm
by sbriggman
Thanks for sharing. Did you back her project? How did you discover Meg?

Re: My Cat Ganked Your Honor Student: A Nerd's Tale

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 8:48 pm
by MackyMack
Yes, I did back Ms. O'Connell project!

I discovered her book while browsing the Publishing section of Kickstarter for ideas on how to make my own project page. The unique title sucked me in.