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HP Lovecraft Versus Aleister Crowley

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:16 am
by Charles

I really appreciate the site administrator creating this dedicated forum section, because I am an individual who has not created a Kickstarter project of my own, but who very much wanted to have a place to discuss projects that I have backed on Kickstarter.

On Kickstarter, I tend to gravitate mostly toward comic book projects, although I also enjoy browsing all sorts of projects, and have even backed a few non-comic book Kickstarter projects. Of late, I seem to spend as much time on this KickstarterForum.Org site as I spend on Kickstarter, itself, and I try to offer some feedback to people who post here. Hopefully, at least some of my comments have proven useful or helpful to various project creators who seek out advice and feedback, here.

One of the projects that I decided to back is called HP Lovecraft Versus Aleister Crowley. As of the time that I sit down to write this posting, the project is only twenty dollars shy of its funding goal, with a little more than four days left in its campaign cycle.

The project creator is a fellow by the name of Montgomery Borror, but most seem to just call him Monty.

I also have a small blog that I created last year, but which I got sidetracked from in pursuit of another hobby of mine. It's called the Ye Olde Comic Book Temple, and I am trying to get back in the habit of posting on it, although there's not really much in the way of content posted on it, as of yet.

The blog is basically a mish-mash of opinion from yours truly, but I did write a recent entry on it about Monty Borror and his art, for any who might be inclined to check it out. It is titled, "Meet the Maestro of Stylish Horror."

One of my personal favorite pieces of art that Monty Borror did, previously, and which removed any doubt that I may have otherwise had about backing this project was the following one:


Again, that's not an image from the HP Lovecraft Versus Aleister Crowley Kickstarter project, but I think that it showcases Monty Borror's ability within the Lovecraftian genre of horror art.

One of my favorite panels from the Kickstarter project, though, is substantially less detailed than that image, above. It's a scene of a man in a straight jacket being hauled away.


To me, that image makes me wonder what's going to happen to this guy. I really think that this image, or the one of the rats that is on display on the Kickstarter project page would have been better choices than the project image that was actually used. But, again, that's just my opinion, not one that anyone else has to share, necessarily.

Typically, I tend to gravitate towards superhero comic book art, and not horror art, but that didn't stop me from backing this Kickstarter project, just the same.

I encourage one and all to check this project out, whether the horror genre is something that appeals to you or not. With this project now only being $20 short of its funding goal, I really do believe that it will be successful in reaching and exceeding that goal, what with four more days left in this Kickstarter campaign.

If you like it, consider backing it. But, if not, thanks for taking a peek, just the same.

I also hope that you'll consider creating threads for Kickstarter projects that you backed, but which were not Kickstarter projects of your very own.

- Charles -

HP Lovecraft Versus Aleister Crowley

Re: HP Lovecraft Versus Aleister Crowley

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 5:10 pm
by IndDesigner1520
Amazing drawings which really capture the ethos of Lovecraft. :o
Good luck with this! IndDesigner1520

Re: HP Lovecraft Versus Aleister Crowley

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:09 pm
by mboix
I love the graphics! Awesome drawings, I think it's really worth it... Music in the video is a bit disturbing, though... :)

Re: HP Lovecraft Versus Aleister Crowley

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:06 pm
by Charles
This Kickstarter is in its final two hours of life. It is at $2,495 pledged from 112 backers, which puts is just $205 shy of its stretch goal.

Looks like I'll soon begin to turn my attention elsewhere, as far as tracking a new Kickstarter project goes.

I am finding that tracking and interacting with a Kickstarter project already underway is a learning experience unto itself. I think that where a lot of people go wrong is by trying to over-simplify things. Each Kickstarter project is unique. Each one faces its own set of challenges.

Re: HP Lovecraft Versus Aleister Crowley

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 11:02 pm
by FrostyO
19 minutes, maybe you can make the stretch goal -- strange things happen at the end of these campaigns. Funny, this one is ending, and mine just begun!

Re: HP Lovecraft Versus Aleister Crowley

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 11:45 pm
by Charles
It didn't make the stretch goal. It missed it by $200.

But, it finished at funding of 125% of goal. All in all, a good run, I think.

Re: HP Lovecraft Versus Aleister Crowley

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:47 pm
by Charles
I wasn't the creator for this project. I was merely a backer, one that took what you might call an "active interest" in the project. But, I did end up with a nice little memento from one of my fellow backers of this project, at the project's end.


The project raised $2,500 on a goal of $2,000, but this right here, this is priceless.

I just wanted to share it.

Re: HP Lovecraft Versus Aleister Crowley

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 7:05 pm
by Charles
I know that many of the people who use this forum are looking for any edge that they can get, in order to help ensure, to the maximum degree possible, that their own Kickstarter project will be successful in achieving its funding goal.

With an eye towards facilitating connecting project creators with sound advice that makes sense, and which might be helpful in some way, I would like to highlight a couple of videos that the project creator for HP Lovecraft Versus Aleister Crowley did, recently.

It was actually supposed to be a single video, but his phone rang in mid-stream, so it ended up being a two-part video.

Part 1

Part 2 ... sts/962402

There is a mention of myself in the video, and my advice is that you look past that portion to the substance of the other things that project creator Monty Borror says. Though this particular project dealt with a comic book, there is some advice that is applicable to any kind of project, based upon what he has learned from enduring the Kickstarter process first-hand.

He covers things like videos and Facebook advertising, to name a couple of things that project creators often wonder about. He talks about Twitter, and going "outside" of the comic book segment, to gain backing for this project.

Anyway, if you happen to wander through here and come across this posting, I encourage you to watch this two-part video. Who knows? You might just learn something that will help you to achieve success in reaching your project's funding goal.