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How to promote for the final push?

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 9:17 pm
by Mankin

Two weeks ago I have relaunched my Essentia Playing Cards project on Kickstarter:

I learned a lot from the previous campaign and I made some adjustments to the design with the feedback I got from the first try. And with a much better marketing plan preparation I started the relaunch with lots of confidence.

Now with 11 days left, I can say it is doing much better than the first time and the project is funded for 80%. But the last couple of days the project is climbing very slowly, and if it keeps this pace it will not get funded in the end. So I was wondering if anyone has any tips to create a final push in the last week.

Re: How to promote for the final push?

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 12:43 am
by hyperstarter
Probably social media is best at this final push stage, using hashtags in your niche and reaching out to supporters directly asking them to push/retweet your campaign really does help.

Re: How to promote for the final push?

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 4:21 am
by lowkey
Facebook ads with titled as final 24 hours and such will definitely help you.

Re: How to promote for the final push?

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 7:03 am
by Mankin
Thanks for the tips. I am not sure about Facebook ads though, since I hear mixed reactions from people that used this. WIll you reach the target group with that?

Re: How to promote for the final push?

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 1:08 pm
by Vanessa
Facebook ads work great but only when you have highly targeted audience, otherwise they won't work at all.
How you structure the ads also influence their performance ... paign.html

Re: How to promote for the final push?

Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 5:54 pm
by Mankin
I tried this Facebook ad tip with a specified target group but unfortunately with no success till now.

Anyone else got tips for me to get my project over this dead point? I got the feeling I have tried everything, but all I see everyday is +1 backer, -1 backer etc.

Any tips are welcome =)

Re: How to promote for the final push?

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 2:10 am
by Mwilliams
I'm glad to see you were able to hit your funding goal. I'm also glad I read this post as it gave me some ideas as i'm in the final 9 days of my campaign.


Re: How to promote for the final push?

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 10:47 pm
by Outclass
Hello, I am two weeks from posting my first Kickstarter campaign. Very excited but need so help. I am looking for good example on how to get people interested and email blogger / IG followings to share the campaign. Any ideas would be appreciated. My Kickstarter preview: ... n=84b22453

Re: How to promote for the final push?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:08 pm
by stef686
A note on Facebook Ads. I've used them myself for a variety of projects over the course of the last year, and I've learnt a few things that have helped with my latest campaign for my first Kickstarter.

1. Targeting is key.

Facebook's ad system allows you to get very specific in building an audience based on interests, age, location etc. However, I think the biggest thing with the latest campaign has been to learn about Custom Audiences.

One thing I imagine you already have is a Facebook Page that you've used to build a following before launching your campaign. This Facebook Page is key to your advertising efforts. Every person that has liked your page is important too, you want to generate likes from people that are interested in your product. Sounds like a silly thing to say, but if you create a page and invite your family and friends to like the page just so it has some likes it won't be as effective.

Custom Audiences allow you to tap into these people. The first thought when you are setting up Facebook Ads is that you want to target as many people as possible. This is wrong - don't do this. Using the Custom Audience tool you can target just the people that like your Facebook Page.

Why would you want to do this? They already like your page, right? That's true - but have they all pledged? Your posts on your Facebook page announcing your Kickstarter launch might not have made it onto their feed, so a person that liked your page 4 weeks ago will have forgotten your launch date. You already know these people are interested, so half the work is done. Create a great ad and the chance they'll see it, click through and pledge is much higher.

Here's the good part. Now you have your Custom Audience which is ONLY your facebook likes, you can create a Lookalike Audience based on it. Facebook will look at the type of people make up your Custom Audience, and make an audience of similar people.

By targetting my ads to my Facebook Page likers, and a Lookalike Audience based on them has worked much better than any other ads I've created in the past. About 5-10% of click-throughs have pledged so far, which again is much higher than I've experienced in the past.

2. Your ad image & text

This is the next big thing, you want to create an image that shows your product clearly, and I find including the price either in the image or your text works well. I'm paying money every time someone clicks on my ad, so I'd rather tell them the price up front, and if they think it's too expensive they can move on. If they clicked, saw the price on Kickstarter and then decided no that's cost me money.

I will say though, that my ad creative is something I haven't experimented much with, so after writing this I think I will go away and try out some things and see what works best!

3. Use trackable links

Always use a custom trackable link that you can create in Kickstarter so you know how successful your ads are. This allows you to know what works and what doesn't when you...

4. Experiment

Different markets and different people will respond differently to your ads. This is why I recommend you target as narrow as you can - if your product is quite broad you can always create multiple ads with different text specific to different customer types.

With Facebook's system being self-serve in the way it allows you to set an ad to run for a day for a small budget. You can see what results you get, change to a new idea and run it for another day. Keep experimenting like this until you find a combination that gives you good results and then go in for a bigger spend.

I hope some of these tips help you out, I'm not an expert in any way, these are just things I've learned from running a bunch of campaigns over the last year or so. Hopefully I can keep learning and get even better results as time goes by!

Re: How to promote for the final push?

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 5:17 pm
by hyperstarter
Wow great advice, welcome to the forum!
stef686 wrote:A note on Facebook Ads. I've used them myself for a variety of projects over the course of the last year, and I've learnt a few things that have helped with my latest campaign for my first Kickstarter.

1. Targeting is key.

Facebook's ad system allows you to get very specific in building an audience based on interests, age, location etc. However, I think the biggest thing with the latest campaign has been to learn about Custom Audiences.

One thing I imagine you already have is a Facebook Page that you've used to build a following before launching your campaign. This Facebook Page is key to your advertising efforts. Every person that has liked your page is important too, you want to generate likes from people that are interested in your product. Sounds like a silly thing to say, but if you create a page and invite your family and friends to like the page just so it has some likes it won't be as effective.

Custom Audiences allow you to tap into these people. The first thought when you are setting up Facebook Ads is that you want to target as many people as possible. This is wrong - don't do this. Using the Custom Audience tool you can target just the people that like your Facebook Page.

Why would you want to do this? They already like your page, right? That's true - but have they all pledged? Your posts on your Facebook page announcing your Kickstarter launch might not have made it onto their feed, so a person that liked your page 4 weeks ago will have forgotten your launch date. You already know these people are interested, so half the work is done. Create a great ad and the chance they'll see it, click through and pledge is much higher.

Here's the good part. Now you have your Custom Audience which is ONLY your facebook likes, you can create a Lookalike Audience based on it. Facebook will look at the type of people make up your Custom Audience, and make an audience of similar people.

By targetting my ads to my Facebook Page likers, and a Lookalike Audience based on them has worked much better than any other ads I've created in the past. About 5-10% of click-throughs have pledged so far, which again is much higher than I've experienced in the past.

2. Your ad image & text

This is the next big thing, you want to create an image that shows your product clearly, and I find including the price either in the image or your text works well. I'm paying money every time someone clicks on my ad, so I'd rather tell them the price up front, and if they think it's too expensive they can move on. If they clicked, saw the price on Kickstarter and then decided no that's cost me money.

I will say though, that my ad creative is something I haven't experimented much with, so after writing this I think I will go away and try out some things and see what works best!

3. Use trackable links

Always use a custom trackable link that you can create in Kickstarter so you know how successful your ads are. This allows you to know what works and what doesn't when you...

4. Experiment

Different markets and different people will respond differently to your ads. This is why I recommend you target as narrow as you can - if your product is quite broad you can always create multiple ads with different text specific to different customer types.

With Facebook's system being self-serve in the way it allows you to set an ad to run for a day for a small budget. You can see what results you get, change to a new idea and run it for another day. Keep experimenting like this until you find a combination that gives you good results and then go in for a bigger spend.

I hope some of these tips help you out, I'm not an expert in any way, these are just things I've learned from running a bunch of campaigns over the last year or so. Hopefully I can keep learning and get even better results as time goes by!