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LEGION OF YOU, by P.o.P.Culture - First Week

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 1:42 pm
by envisage
So. I've been working incredibly hard on a design, all the while thinking the idea is what matters, it's all that matters, if the idea is GREAT and it will WORK, and you stay solid and focused, it'll SUCCEED.

Wow. Was I wrong.

I'm drowning in a sea of information on crowd funding and suffocating in a void of information at the SAME time. I feel... a blend of lost and empowered. In front of me is a vast potential, and all around me is a forrest THICK with trees... That path forward is NOT clear here. But the prize? It's out there, I can feel it.

I can't wait to understand. I can't learn fast enough.

I'm staring down the barrel of changing peoples lives, changing my own life. It's mentally exhilarating and physically exhausting. See, I have Schizophrenia, and I sat a long time on the side lines of society just observing. All that time in neutral has left me with some unique observational skills and a hell of a lot of passion to change things. Especially for other people. But also for myself now too.

I'm the horse at the gates, with the blindfold still on.

Help me take that blindfold off. See how far I go.

Matt Sargent.

Re: LEGION OF YOU, by P.o.P.Culture - First Week

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 4:20 am
by envisage
Having finally heard back from Kickstarter with some advice, I've manically applied all efforts, and 6 hours of creativity later, the preview is looking Amazing.

Time to submit it for permissions to LAUNCH!