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RokPak Kickstarter Story

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:43 pm
by RokPak
Hi Everyone,

We just launched our First Kickstarter on March 28. RokPak: The Worlds First and Only Solar, Battery Charger, Drybox All In One. It truly is an amazing product for any outdoor enthusiast. Or even people who love to go to the beach or travel. Check it out and let me know what you think:

So far in about a week we are 86% funded raising over $50,000.

Working for a month and a half building an email database and followers, we had a very strong start. Which helped us get discovered on Kickstarter through organic traffic.

However, we set a goal that was ACTUALLY what we needed to manufacture the product.

What we should have done is set our goal at $20,000 and we would have been funded in less than a day.

This having been our first Kickstarter we did not realize that people use the funding goal as a marketing tool. Great idea, but risky, since it could mean not being capable of delivering as promised. Which seems to be happing way too much now on Kickstarter and Indiegogo.

This also would have helped us rank on Kickstarter's technology and gadgets pages. Now we are working on other ways to market our product and hit our goal.

I will keep you updated, but would love to hear peoples thoughts on the product. And even ideas on how to gain more backers and get funded.

Thanks Everyone
Tim Svitak Jr.

Re: RokPak Kickstarter Story

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 8:21 pm
by therriaultk
Hi Tim. :D Great job on your progress so far! Over $54K with just over $5,000 left to raise in 25 days is pretty awesome. The RokPak looks great too! Your Kickstarter page is very well set up, with a great video, headings, and all of the important information all laid out for backers!

I noticed that your project was featured on BackerClub - have you found that a useful way to promote your campaign?

Re: RokPak Kickstarter Story

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 9:49 pm
by RokPak
Thanks therriaultk!

I would definitely suggest BackerClub. We had quite a few BackerClub members back the RokPak and tell us that we should put our product on there. With no risk and the money back guarantee its definitely worth the exposure.

BackerClub also assured us that only members who backed the project AFTER we were listed on the site would count towards the $379. This is from BackerClub "To answer your question, members who pledged prior to your campaign being live on BackerClub would not be included in the guarantee."

We didn't raise as much as I would have liked to on BackerClub, but some of those people who backed our project may have never seen it unless we used this service.

One other thing they don't tell you is that you can be listed on the Popular Projects page for free. "As long as at least 75% of the pledge amounts are filled in (either by the member themselves or by you), then your campaign will be displayed on our Popular Projects page in the Club."

And there are options for additional email blasts to their members.

Overall, I would say go for it.

RokPak -

Re: RokPak Kickstarter Story

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 7:27 pm
by sbriggman
Congrats on your success!!! So happy to see this :).

If you have any questions while you're in the fulfillment phase, our sponsor has agreed to answer any of them free of charge (I think it's a great resource. They are experts). See: fulfillment-and-shipping-q-a-f37.html


Re: RokPak Kickstarter Story

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 10:16 pm
by dmngdsm
Hey there. Congrats on your campaign. How much time did it take you to fully prepare for your campaign - including Pr and campaign setup?