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Pink Sands Art Nude/Landscape Photobook stats comparison

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:26 pm
by aknicholas
Current project, Pink Sands

1410 video plays, 50% completed, 46 backers so far (30 plays per backer)
Average pledge $88

Here are some stats from a few of my other projects

Only project to be a staff pick, Square Nudes
6,213 video plays (77% completed), 112 backers (55 plays per backer)
Average pledge $79

Most funded, Industrial Nudes
5,104 video plays (36% completed) 75 backers (68 plays per backer)
Average pledge $122

What I notice is that video plays do not always signal success. When I had a staff pick (which was also picked up by Buzzfeed) I got a lot of lookers from a general audience, but not as many high-end purchases. In the end it has been large, repeat backers that have made project successful for me. Most of the 46 backers on my current project have backed at least 4 of my projects.

Curious to hear of any similar or opposite experiences, as I am sure there are.

Re: Pink Sands Art Nude/Landscape Photobook stats comparison

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 3:21 am
by hyperstarter
Hi, Did you note down info like:
- Number of times a backer visited the page before they backed you
- The time from entering the page (or playing the video) to backing you.

Re: Pink Sands Art Nude/Landscape Photobook stats comparison

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 3:40 am
by aknicholas
About 80% backed right away. They either like it or they don't.

Re: Pink Sands Art Nude/Landscape Photobook stats comparison

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 7:29 pm
by sbriggman
Very interesting. Thanks for reporting this. This is a really interesting observation.