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The Quilliad Press is at 98% with under 2 days left!

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 6:35 pm
by The Quilliad
I am so excited and tense right now. Getting attention as a small press is hard, especially when you're more of a micropress. The last few hours have brought on a lot of support from people close to me, and I am holding my breath waiting to see what happens before the end. Every cent we raise means more support for something that would have seemed like an impossible dream a few years ago.

Our community of friends, family, readers, and contributors has really stepped up. Knowing people who are passionate about the same things is crucial to success, I think.

Background/project info: The Quilliad is a biannual literary and arts journal that features emerging and established Canadian writers and artists, with a focus on promoting new talent and welcoming diverse voices and perspectives. We act on these values by providing all contributors with financial compensation and the opportunity to feature at our launch parties either as exhibiting artists or featured readers. We also write reviews of small press books, compose artist profiles, and cover local lit and art events for our blog,

This Kickstarter is intended to raise funds for issues 6-8 and our first line of chapbooks as we work toward a longterm, self-sustaining financial model so we can continue supporting the artistic and literary communities.

Project link:

Re: The Quilliad Press is at 98% with under 2 days left!

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 10:23 am
by gildas2k
Hey, I just saw you reached your goal, congratulations !!!
17 hours left, you still have time to get some last backers, but you're there !