Last 48 Hours for "Beyond the Grass Ocean"!
Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 4:45 am
We're down to the last 48 hours to raise the $2,100 needed for the children's illustrated novel "Beyond the Grass Ocean"!
A great Facebook campaign has done wonders...not to mention some powerful word-of-mouth thanks to a lot of loving if you haven't already had your chance to take a look, do so and give a little something to see a beautiful and singular piece of intelligent, thoughtful children's storytelling reach reality!
For all pledges of $75 or more in the last 48 hours, you'll receive a personally-autographed, personalized-to-you-or-your-designated-gift-recipient piece of original, hand-drawn landscape: a beautiful, not-recreated-or-reproducible one-of-a-kind view of one of the many wonderful sites in the World of the Great Grass Ocean as portrayed in the novel!
Check out the Facebook page at
but especially check out the main homepage, and its links to help support this project before time runs out!
A great Facebook campaign has done wonders...not to mention some powerful word-of-mouth thanks to a lot of loving if you haven't already had your chance to take a look, do so and give a little something to see a beautiful and singular piece of intelligent, thoughtful children's storytelling reach reality!
For all pledges of $75 or more in the last 48 hours, you'll receive a personally-autographed, personalized-to-you-or-your-designated-gift-recipient piece of original, hand-drawn landscape: a beautiful, not-recreated-or-reproducible one-of-a-kind view of one of the many wonderful sites in the World of the Great Grass Ocean as portrayed in the novel!
Check out the Facebook page at
but especially check out the main homepage, and its links to help support this project before time runs out!