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Carpack - updates as the project progresses

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:36 pm
by shank
Hi all,

I am going to be posting updates as we go along on what's working and whats not working on our project- ... reinvented

I will also appreciate any tips and suggestions.

Its been just over 4 days since we launched and we are about 27% funded.

So far our backers stats are-
60% Kickstarter (Mostly discovery)
15% backerclub (Recently ran a promotion, will find out ROI in a couple of days)
10% Reddit (I posted on some relevant forums)
10% unknown (I believe these are from 2 weeks of listing/promo at
5% - others

Trying to reach out to bloggers for coverage, no luck so far.

Re: Carpack - updates as the project progresses

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:38 pm
by shank
I want to write about how the backerclub promo went for us, and the verdict is that backerclub was totally worth it for us. There were several benefits beyond just the funds raised - we got excellent feedback on our reward structure, and also the influx of backers in short duration helps visibility in kickstarter leading to additional pledges. All in all, I will recommend backersclub.

we are at 38% funds raised with 20 days to go. Now looking at additional promo options - kicktraq ads, gadget flow for this week.

If anyone has any feedback on these, will appreciate if you can let me know.

Re: Carpack - updates as the project progresses

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:34 pm
by gobachoaf
Awesome, hope you make it.

Re: Carpack - updates as the project progresses

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:56 pm
by Amran
great idea and very helpful