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Staff Pick and $37,000 in 3 days!

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 9:30 pm
by lingrch
What a great beginning to our campaign! We were made Kickstarter staff pick on our first day. Then covered by Wired UK+US, The Guardian, Cnet, Goop, Core77 plus many more.

It's called Hackaball, a smart and responsive ball that children can program to invent and play games. ... -and-creat

What do you think?

Re: Staff Pick and $37,000 in 3 days!

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 5:41 pm
by sbriggman
Wow you guys are making some awesome strides! Keep it up! How did you manage to get so many good PR hits?

Re: Staff Pick and $37,000 in 3 days!

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 3:27 am
by ChrisCicc
Congrats! This looks really interesting from a smart home perspective. Could we track duration of "play time" through an API?

Re: Staff Pick and $37,000 in 3 days!

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 10:38 pm
by jkuey24
Wow I like the product!

Re: Staff Pick and $37,000 in 3 days!

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:35 am
by illumearclighter
Congratulations on such a successful campaign and a great product as well!

Re: Staff Pick and $37,000 in 3 days!

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 3:55 pm
by borimania
It's really amazing, and let me tell you, your visuals are PERFECT, for me, your project page is the way a Project page should look!

I recently relaunch mine, is an electronic toy but, is for Visual Impaired and Blind children, to enhance daily key skills. ... visual-imp

I know you don't need right now, but is there any chance we can make a cross promotion as a Kickstarter project update?

Re: Staff Pick and $37,000 in 3 days!

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:15 am
by mcannonJamstik
You guys are awesome! I saw your project just when it debuted, and I knew it was going to be a runaway success.. Congratulations.

I'm having some pretty good success on our campaign, but yes trying to figure out the best way to get the PR coverage we want. Writers don't seem to like to just make a story about your campaign, you have to make it a story!

I'll definitely be offering some advice after my campaign, so hopefully I can continue the momentum. If you're interested here's mine, for our new digital guitar, the jamstik+ ... martguitar

Re: Staff Pick and $37,000 in 3 days!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:21 pm
by Geramax
Awesome project! I wish you raise even more)

Re: Staff Pick and $37,000 in 3 days!

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 6:58 am
by CardBored
Awesome news! Great message. At Cardbored, we strive to get kids out of the house as well. We've invented a card game that you play in any populated and public area! Check us out if you've got the time! ... ?ref=video

We're working on many future projections and projects all that get kids active and off the couch. We love that you all have a similar passion!

Re: Staff Pick and $37,000 in 3 days!

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:44 pm
by SmithShawn
Fantastic results.....Congratulations!

Of the media you referenced (Wired UK+US, The Guardian, Cnet, Goop, Core77), which outlet do you feel provided the most value in terms of gaining backers?

We have a Kickstarter project that we are now introducing to different media outlets, primarily via Press Release distribution (see, but would like to take a more "shot gun" approach to announcements, so if you feel one is more beneficial than another, I sure would appreciate the guidance!

Shawn Smith, Peace Foundation