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CarQuiz Math Game Kickstarter - 50% funded in 2 days

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 3:07 am
by ishkur
Many thanks to all of our supporters and the Kickstarter community. We have learned so much over the past few months gearing up and launching another Kickstarter we worked on. Unfortunately, that one did not get funded.

This past Tuesday, we launched our own Kickstarter for the CarQuiz Math Game, a new iOS game for kids, where the player races around a track answers math equations. Because of the KickstarterForum site and others like it, we have learned some of the essential tips and tricks for getting the word out, and we are only in the first few days of the campaign!

Check out our Kickstarter project if you have time, and let us know what you think about the game idea. We hope to release the app in the coming months on the iTunes App Store. The game is testing very well so far and we are super excited about the road ahead!

Thank you! :D

Promoting CarQuiz Math Game Kickstarter

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 4:31 pm
by ishkur
We used FundZinger to send out a crafted email message to journalists 2 days in to our campaign. The package was to include a message to 9,000+ journalists. Everyone we have shown our CarQuiz game to likes it - so it is hard to understand how nothing has happened yet from that email blast - no additional backers, no mentions, no calls, no emails. We have only heard from people like FundZinger who want to get paid to promote our project.

It has only been 2 days since their email went out, but I would think there would be at least some activity. We shall see what happens next week. In the mean time, we are continuing our own PR campaign and guerilla marketing tactics.

Re: CarQuiz Math Game Kickstarter - 50% funded in 2 days

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:40 pm
by sbriggman
Hope that you guys are able to attract the pledges in the coming days :). Good luck!

Re: CarQuiz Math Game Kickstarter - 50% funded in 2 days

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 12:21 am
by ishkur
Thank you sbriggman! Things are getting very interesting!

We are pleased to announce our first major press release!

ereleases was very helpful in getting the word out about CarQuiz. We also want to thank Michael Hughes for writing the article.

We also have big updates to and

CarQuiz featured on Cult of Mac

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 12:49 am
by ishkur

CarQuiz PR success with the help of ereleases

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 6:40 am
by ishkur
Wanted to give a shout out to for working with us to get our press release out. The service they provided, and the way they rewrote our article title, was a huge boost to our campaign.

Their customer service so far has been excellent.

Re: CarQuiz Math Game Kickstarter - 50% funded in 2 days

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 4:40 am
by ishkur
We are thrilled to announce that the CarQuiz Math Game has become a Kickstarter Staff Pick! Many thanks to all of our supporters, all of our backers, the website, and all of those at Kickstarter.


CarQuiz Math Game Kickstarter - 3rd update

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 2:28 am
by ishkur
Just posted our 3rd update to the CarQuiz Kickstarter. We are offering all backers a copy of the game, plus an additional 3 copies for friends and colleagues.

If you know anyone who has a kid that should be practicing math, instead of shooting zombies, or sending armies in to battle, stop by or check out our Kickstarter.

Re: CarQuiz Math Game Kickstarter - 50% funded in 2 days

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 6:32 am
by Fpex
Hi there, did e release,com help in reaching out to the press or only for reviewing?

Re: CarQuiz Math Game Kickstarter - 50% funded in 2 days

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:24 am
by ishkur
We sent a press release to ereleases. They rewrote the title for us, did some other small edits, and sent it out to the press. They followed up with me in detail and forwarded me detailed analytics. We wrote the article.

Tried fundzinger a week before with a different article. Zero results. No follow-up at all.